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Updated: August 1, 2024

"Oh, well," sneered Hawkins, "let it go at that, Reade. We'll have our day in court tomorrow, and then. I guess we'll find our innings." "Yes," chuckled Tom, "and when you get your innings you'll be wild to swap them for outings -for the innings will be in jail." "Don't push my temper too far," cautioned Hawkins with a scowl.

"I saw him once or twice when I was in, and thought he was a friend of yours." "He can swap a good yarn; kind of handy man and sometimes helps me with the hammer, but I guess that's all there is to it." "Just so," said Charnock carelessly. "This is a warm place for a quiet smoke, and the foreman can't tell how long one ought to stop, particularly as you're sometimes out at the machine-shop.

So he nodded his head decidedly, as who should say "Oh yes, we did, it was a bona-fide swap!" but when he saw the smile vanish, he tried the other expedient and shook his head with still more vigor, to signify that they had not so much as approached a bargain; and the smile returned. Charlie wanted to see the vine recognized.

Oi would 'a' helped him jest the same afther that swap an' moore, fur he wuz good stuff, but he must nades shoot at me that noight as I come home wit the wad, so av coorse " "I wish ye had a Dog now," said the farmer in the new tone of a new subject; "tramps is a nuisance at all toimes, an' a Dog is the best med'cine for them.

We've got but few senses and they are easily deluded. In fact a man's a darned clumsy box of tricks at his best and I wouldn't swap a hill of beans for what my senses can assure me; but, as a wise man says, 'Art is with us to save us from too much truth, so I say 'Reason is with us to save us from too much evidence of our senses often false.

"Jim," he went on, when he saw I could not answer, "I guess you don't know where I can swap the yellow mud for balm of Gilead. I won't bother you with my troubles any longer. I will go up-town and see the little girl whose happiness Tom Reinhart needed in his business.

But gas is precious when you are a hundred miles from a garage, and since business did not take him there Casey did not drive up the five-mile hill to the Lucky Lode just to shake hands with the foreman and swap a yarn or two. Instead, he headed down on to the bleached, bleak oval of Furnace Lake and forged across it as straight as he could drive toward Starvation Mountains.

"What under the sun is the man afraid of?" Newman asked himself. "Does he think I am going to offer to swap jack-knives with him?" It was useless to shut his eyes to the fact that the marquis was profoundly disagreeable to him. He had never been a man of strong personal aversions; his nerves had not been at the mercy of the mystical qualities of his neighbors.

Some of our fellers told him he was so thin he oughtn't be rid in the day ought to keep him fur the dark; called him a sort of night mare. But he tuck it good natured an' jest kep' on a chawin' o' his tobacker. Then atter a while he lows that mebby some good brother mout like to swap with him, an' ever'body laughed fitten to kill. Then he said mebby they mout like to swop saddles.

In their dilemma they seem indisposed to heed the counsel of the venerable Dutchman who, on a certain critical occasion, asserted that it was not wise to "swap horses while crossing a stream." It so happens that in this present year the Democratic party throughout the country is crossing a stream, a deep and muddy one which divides its former prestige from its future hopes and prospects.

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