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It was, therefore, necessary that a cause should be given for this supreme gleaming amid the general mists of the dull and heavy Chronicle of de Quero; Muratori, accordingly, very properly dispels the wonder of the reader by informing him that he is "here listening to Poggio writing, and in a style," he adds, "which Reduxis was about the last man to imitate": "itaque heic audis Poggium scribentem, et quidem stylo, quem aequare Redusius minime gentium poterat."

'MY DEAR PAMELA I am kicking my heels here at an engineer's store, waiting for an engineer officer who is wanted to plan some new dug-outs for our battery, and as there is no one to talk to inside except the most inarticulate Hielander I ever struck, I shall at last make use of one of your little oddments, my dear, which are mostly too good to use out here and write you a letter on a brand new pocket-pad, with a brand new stylo.

Scales had finished writing down the details of the order with his ivory-handled stylo, and repacked his boxes, he drew the interview to a conclusion after the manner of a capable commercial traveller; that is to say, he implanted in Mr. Povey his opinion that Mr. Povey was a wise, a shrewd and an upright man, and that the world would be all the better for a few more like him. He inquired for Mrs.

Ex Regia classe Anglicana, apud Cadiz, 3. die Iulij stylo antique. 1596. Carolus Howard. The next day after, being the 4. of Iuly, the L. L. generall caused the towne of Cadiz to be set on fire, and rased and defaced so much as they could, the faire cathedral Church, and the religious houses only being spared, and left vnblemished.

The next instant Professor van Huysman was on his legs, note-book in one hand and stylo in the other. All the fresh colour had gone out of his face; his eyes were burning, and his lips were twitching with uncontrollable excitement.

"You've got paper and a stylo, and she doesn't know my hand. I'm too comfortable to move." Mary put aside her letter to Vanno which must catch the next post, and scribbled a few lines to Miss Bland. "Will you sign if I bring you the pen?" she asked. "No, thanks. I give you leave to forge my name. It will soon be your own, so you may as well practise writing it," said Marie.

Having finished his letter, Gimblet put his stylo in his pocket, and turned round to look at the clock. "Twenty minutes to four," he said half-aloud. "I wish to goodness people would keep their appointments punctually, or else not come at all." Five more minutes passed, and he got up and went into the hall. "Higgs," he called, and his faithful servant and general factotum came out of the pantry.

If my old man got a wire like that his language would crack the lamp-shades. I'd cut out half this; for example, I'd have out 'journey, and 'nature, and 'rumours. But my old man would make a ten-line paragraph of it for all that." "How?" "Well, I'll do it myself just to show you. Lend me that stylo." He scribbled for a minute in his notebook. "It works out somewhat on these lines": Mr.

"Yes, I have I want this chap freed from disaster, not for his sake, but for the sake of the family. What must that poor lady have gone through, and that poor girl!" George looked at me with his whimsical cynical eye. "It's awfully decent of you, Nicholas," was all he said though, and I reached for my cheque-book, and wrote a cheque for thirty thousand francs with my stylo.

Even those introduced occasionally in the fetes given and received by the heroes in the different operas, present a real contest, in which the first-rate dancers of both sexes exert themselves to snatch the palm from their rivals. When a theatre possesses such a richness, variety, and assemblage of talents in the same art, it may boldly stylo itself the first in Europe.