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Set in the midst of a group of women, I shone. As at the university, when I used to visit whole sorority chapters at once, and, with from five to ten girls seated about me in the parlour, talk brilliantly and easily and poetically with all of them. Left alone with any one, my mouth dried like sand, my tongue clove to my palate, I shook all over as with a palsy.

"You know perfectly well that you've been shut up in your old laboratory all fall. We have scarcely seen you since the walking party. You have even given football the go by, and I'm so sorry, for you were a star player last year." "I see you have discovered the secrets of my past life," replied David, laughing. "That's what comes of having a sister who belongs to a sorority.

"I ? Oh I wanted to run after her and comfort her, but I had something else to do. I jumped up and offered my resignation to the AOU, and said I wished to withdraw my subscription to the Sorority House, that I couldn't have anything to do with a bunch of girls that would stand for a thing as contemptible and mean as that." "Of course!" said Allison with a proud look at his sister.

And again the camp fires were glowing where a Sorority "spread" was merrily in the making. They must go down soon and join in the hilarity. But a golden half hour yet hung in the west and the going down meant the going back to all that had been. "Look at the foam on the whirlpool, Elinor. See how deliberately it swings upstream. Isn't that a most deceiving bit of treachery?"

There I was, a football hero I'd just broken my rib on the scrub team and every girl in school was dying to tell me how grand it was to suffer for one's college; and yet I wouldn't so much as hint that I wanted to come to the sorority parties and lots more talk of the same kind.

"Miss Allen, please let me off," begged Sally, turning two blue eyes, overflowing with meaning, full on Jane. "I cannot go back on a sorority order," said Jane, wondering why she should. "There's your cue, and Sally, here are the flowers. Bun along, little girl. There's a dear."

The moment that Grace left Marian, she set her active brain at work for some solution of the problem she had taken upon her own shoulders. She had no money, and the members of her sorority had none. Besides, Grace inwardly resolved not to tell the other girls were it possible to avoid doing so. Mrs.

You really have a much better time now if you wait until you are twenty-five, and then you somehow have learned how to be a girl for an indefinite period. As for the finishing school in America well, we had a wonderful sorority."

You know how thankful Grace was for your help in trigonometry last year." Marian hesitated as though at loss for an answer to this direct appeal to her common sense. The girls watched her anxiously, hoping that Anne's words had bridged the difficulty. "Come on, Marian," said Nora O'Malley briskly. "Here's your sorority pin. Put it on and forget that you ever took it off.

And to introduce the statementwhich a month ago would have seemed to me incrediblethat I have seen and heard as much contentment in a laundry as I have in the drawing-room of a Fifth Avenue mansion or a college sorority houseas much and no more. Which is not arguing that no improvements need ever be made in laundries. There was one place I was not going to work, and that was a laundry!