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A stifled scream, a sob, almost a groan, broke from the Princess, and she clung to her son as though she sought protection from that bloodthirsty Seventh Regiment. Prince Michael, fumbling with an eyeglass, dropped it in sheer nervousness. Alec, throwing an arm round his mother, recalled the hoarse yelling of the newsboys on the boulevards.

Collas had spoken very seriously indeed of his patient, and, as for herself, she had not the smallest hope. I heard Julia sob, and saw her lift her handkerchief to her eyes behind her veil. Captain Carey looked very much frightened. He was a man of quick sympathies, and nervous about his own life into the bargain, so that any serious illness alarmed him.

Leacock's lecture is not of a character which, has not, so to speak, the kind of value, in short, is not a lecture of that class." Here he paused and choked back a sob. "Had our poor friend been spared to us for another six years he would have rounded out the century. But it was not to be.

To do Miss Nipper justice, she spoke more for her young mistress than herself; and her face showed it. 'But the visitor, Susan, said Florence. Susan, with an hysterical explosion that was as much a laugh as a sob, and as much a sob as a laugh, answered, 'Mr Toots! The smile that appeared on Florence's face passed from it in a moment, and her eyes filled with tears.

The whimper that had drawn the attention of Prince must have come from her restless, tortured sleep. Not till his second match flared had she been really awake. "Thank God!" he cried brokenly, all the pent emotion of the long night vibrant in his tremulous voice. She began to sob, softly, pitifully.

"Belle," he whispered, "if you lose your father you shall at least have a brother." She entwined her arm about his neck in mute acceptance of the relationship. Her every breath was a low sob, and she could not then tell him how his words reassured her, taking away, in part, the almost overwhelming terror of being left unprotected in the world. During Mr.

But at the time specified, Cleo, who was sitting with him in her private room, hid her face in her hands and began to sob hysterically. Then he was able to elicit the truth. She had passed the last afternoon interviewing moneylenders, but they had all laughed in her face which had simply called forth her contempt for them. As a matter of fact, she had been expecting a miracle to happen!

Fernand gave a groan, which resembled a sob, and dropped his head into his hands, his elbows leaning on the table. "Well, Fernand, I must say," said Caderousse, beginning the conversation, with that brutality of the common people in which curiosity destroys all diplomacy, "you look uncommonly like a rejected lover;" and he burst into a hoarse laugh.

He did not hasten, knowing that the whole of his life stretched before him in which to heal her hurt. She did not hear him because he walked lightly, as those delightfully big men do; and he stood over her, wondering how to rouse her without frightening her, and frowned when a little sob shook her. Then he smiled.

She began to quieten down a bit, although little sobs, like wimmen use when they pretend that they want to leave off crying but can't, kept breaking out of 'er. Then, by and by, she quieted down altogether and a husky voice from near the foot of the bed ses: "Has it gorn?" "Oh, Bill," she ses, with another sob, "I've seen the ghost!" "Has it gorn?" ses Bill, agin.