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When he had done dressing himself, the bag gave another little hop, and he went to it and took out A tablecloth and a napkin. A sugar-basin full of the best loaf-sugar. Two forks, two teaspoons, two knives, and a pair of sugar-tongs, and a butter-knife all marked G. A teacup, saucer, and slop-basin. A jug full of delicious cream. A canister with black tea and green.

'We'll have bread and cheese for dinner, and eat it on our knees; we'll make up for having had to eat sloppy puddings with a fork instead of a spoon all this time, by putting our knives in our mouths till we cut ourselves. Papa shall pour his tea into his saucer if he is in a hurry; and if I'm thirsty, I'll take the slop-basin.

Also, in the biggest chair at the other end of the room, a moderate-sized slop-basin full of coffee by her side, sat Tanta Coetzee, still actively employed in doing absolutely nothing. There, too, were the showily dressed maidens, there was the sardonic lover of one of them, and all the posse of young men with rifles.

I have myself requested the present Marquis of D e to walk into the playing-fields each evening, with a slop-basin in his hand, and milk an unusually quiet cow that used to be there; but this office fell to his lot, merely from his being the only boy in my dames who knew how to milk a cow in fact, it was his boast that he could milk a cow better than any man in England.

The crowning seal of approbation was always put on by M. Ducros, who, after tasting the masterpiece, would cry exultantly, "Bravo! Slop-basin! Slop-basin!" should it fulfil his expectations. I have previously explained that M. Ducros' solitary word of English expressed supreme satisfaction, whilst his friends looked on, with unconcealed admiration at their colleague's linguistic powers.

The daughter lifted her large dark eyes at the handsome stranger, and felt a wonderful curiosity to know what the letter to C. L. could possibly be about; meanwhile mine hostess, raising her hand to a shelf on which stood an Indian slop-basin, the great ornament of the bar at the Golden Fleece, brought from its cavity a well-folded and well- sealed epistle.

His botanical researches included sea-weed, and he recognized this as one of the edible rock-weeds. There was very little of it comparatively, but he took great pains, and, in two hours' time, had gathered as much as might fill a good-sized slop-basin. He washed it in fresh water, and then asked Miss Rolleston for a pocket-handkerchief.

Let's hear something more romantic." "There was the calves to suckle sometimes, when the mother died or was sold." "Calves! H'm! H'm! Well, but how could you do that?" "Dipped my fingers in milk, and let the calves suck 'em. The silly creatures thought it was their mother's teats. Like this." With a happy inspiration she put her fingers into the slop-basin, and held them up dripping.

'Tis nothing at all but that confounded egg, he said, raising that untasted delicacy a little towards his nose. 'Why the divil will you go on buying our eggs from that dirty old sinner, Poll Delany? And he dropped it from its cup plump into the slop-basin. 'A then maybe it was, said poor Mrs. Mac, smiling as well as she could; 'but I'm better.

He got out of bed at half-past twelve o’clock one winter’s night, to half-baptise a washerwoman’s child in a slop-basin, and the gratitude of the parishioners knew no boundsthe very churchwardens grew generous, and insisted on the parish defraying the expense of the watch-box on wheels, which the new curate had ordered for himself, to perform the funeral service in, in wet weather.