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Once we're away clean you can do what you like. Me for the Argentine and ten thousand acres of long-horns. You better forget that corner. Some night you'll get stewed and spill the beans." "Who, me?" Slevin laughed in disdain. "Fat chance!" There was a long silence during which the only sound was the bubbling of a pipe.

And I ain't going to lose any about your quitting ahead of me. That don't trouble me none." Berg yawned and changed the subject. Half an hour later he rose, languidly undressed and rolled into his bed. Slevin followed suit shortly after, and the rapidity with which both men fell asleep spoke volumes for the elasticity of the human conscience.

Slevin, however, seemed made of rubber; he was up again almost instantly, and zigzagging toward the shelter of the nearest rocks. Berg emptied his Colt at the running target, then a shout burst from his lips as he saw Denny pitch forward out of sight. With shaking, clumsy fingers Black Jack reloaded his hot weapon.

"Who got it?" he demanded. "Who d'you mean by 'they'?" "'Sh-h!" Slevin was panic-stricken; he flung out a nervous, jerky hand. "Mebbe they're here now. Look out!" "Who d'you mean by 'they'?" the larger man repeated. "I God! I dunno! But there must 'a' been more'n one. Five hundred pounds! One man couldn't pack it!" "You said 'they'!" Berg persisted in an odd tone.

"You go gamble on it!" Slevin agreed. "Now then, just tell that Hawkshaw we don't want no dam' spies in our house. We're square guys, and we can't stomach 'em."

He had no intention of permitting himself to be taken at a disadvantage, and knowing full well the painful consequences of discovery he opened his bone-handled pocket-knife and tested its keen edge with his thumb. In the interests of peace and good-fellowship, however, he hoped he could go through the night without coughing. Slevin was the first to return from supper.

"My daddy's sleeping a long time," said the child, "but I'll waken him till he sings me 'Peggy Slevin. I like my daddy best, bekase I sleep wid him and he brings me good things from the fair; he bought me this ribbon," said she, pointing to a ribbon which he had purchased for her. The rest of the children were sensible of their loss, and truly it was a distressing scene.

While so engaged the latter discovered him, and gruffly ordered him to remove the cot to the bunk-house. "Put him in with the men," growled Slevin. "Serves the dam' spy right." "Spy? Is he a gum-shoe?" Mr. Hyde paused, a pillow slip between his teeth. "That's what! Me and Jack was honest enough to run things all winter, but we ain't honest enough to clean up.

The hold-up man turned away with a feeling of genuine admiration, for he had seen Slevin, under the very nose of the lookout, "go south" with a substantial amount of gold. The foreman's daring and dexterity amazed Bill and deepened his respect. Slevin's work was cunning, and yet so simple as to be almost laughable.

His utmost vigilance went unrewarded by so much as a single clue. Berg and Slevin had a habit of riding into town on Saturday nights, and the next time they left the claim Bill pleaded a jumping toothache and set out afoot for medical attention. It was late when he arrived at Nome, nevertheless a diligent search of the Front Street saloons failed to locate either man.