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At last, when he had finished to his satisfaction, we retraced our steps, to find that our only chance of getting out of town that night was by trolley that landed us, after many changes, in our apartment in New York, thoroughly convinced of the disadvantages of suburban detective work. Nevertheless the next day found us out sleuthing about Glenclair, this time in a more pleasant role.

If he went down there an accident might happen to him due to a fall down the stairway or something of the sort." "Then let me send Jimmie. Nobody would pay any attention to him. He could go into their quarters without suspicion." "It would be safe enough for him at present. Why not? Don't tell him too much, Jack." "Trust me." Jimmie jumped at the chance to go sleuthing again.

On my way out I stopped here somehow I thought that maybe you might have it but the house was closed. And no one seemed to know where you had gone or when you would return." Caleb nodded, and his eyes turned to Sarah. "We were sleuthing, Steve," he explained as soberly as he was able. "We were ranging from border to border and coast to coast, looking for you."

He had turned the simple cattleman's thoughts inside out, was aware of the doubt Billie had scarcely admitted to himself, and knew all he did except the one point Luck had asked him not to mention. Moreover, he had talked so casually that his visitor had no suspicion of what he was driving at. Mackenzie attempted a little sleuthing of his own.

And, by the way, that reminds me of something. You will have to put at our disposal one of your cars down here." "Go as far as you like. What do you want a racer?" "Why yes, if it's in perfect condition. You see, we may have to do some unexpected sleuthing in it." "Go as far as you like," repeated Warrington, now thoroughly aroused by the latest development of the case.

And we'll get you, too, Mr. Prale, before very long. Don't think we'll not!" The man at the other end of the wire hung up his receiver. Prale paced the floor and told Murk of the conversation. "They've got Farland!" Prale exclaimed. "They probably got him last night, decoyed him in some way. Well, Murk, if that is the truth, and I imagine that it is, we'll have to do our sleuthing ourselves."

This work involved a laborious and monotonous examination of hotel registers, a canvassing of ticket agencies and cab stands and transfer companies. It was anything but story-book sleuthing. It was a dispiriting tread-mill round, but he was still sifting doggedly through the tailings of possibilities when a code-wire came from St.

I put them off. I wasn't sure." "You've been protecting them," said Hemingway. "I wasn't sure," reiterated Harris. "And if I were, the Pinkertons can do their own sleuthing. The man's living honestly now, anyway, isn't he?" he demanded; "and she loves him. At least she's stuck by him. Why should I punish her?" His tone seemed to challenge and upbraid.

Lise demanded, coming toward her. "Who told you where I was? What business have you got sleuthing 'round after me like this?" For a moment Janet was speechless once more, astounded that Lise could preserve her effrontery in such an atmosphere, could be insensible to the evils lurking in this house evils so real to Janet that she seemed actually to feel them brushing against her.

You didn't do such awful things to get in bad with the law, you see. But you're hiding out just the same, with the police sleuthing around after you, and disowned by your mother and all, just like the real thing. Why, it's a story in real life! And I want to live in that story, too, and help you just like a book heroine.