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Why shouldn't a chauffeur be picked out from among his fellows to do credit to a fine, sixty-horse-power blue motor-car? Besides, a young man who can't look rather handsome in a chauffeur's cap and neat leather coat and leggings might as well go and hang himself. The Leather Person opened the door of the car for me, that I might put in the rugs. I murmured "thank you" and he bowed.

The 'other people' whom they slavishly imitate may really like the exhilaration, the ozone, the sight-seeing, or all three; but to this type the only part that matters is letting it be seen that they've got a handsome car, and being able to say 'We've just come from the Riviera in our sixty-horse-power motor-car. They'd always mention the power." "Lady Turnour did, even to me," I remembered.

I evaded a direct answer by saying that I had a room; and was inwardly thankful that, evidently, the Turnours had not noticed me in the restaurant at luncheon, otherwise things might have been awkward. "Very well, you can keep the same one, then," went on her ladyship, "and let the hotel people know it's Sir Samuel who pays for it. To-morrow morning we leave, in our sixty-horse-power motor car.

Do you know Lottie Bird?... Fourteen stone, if she's an ounce, and a tongue like a sixty-horse-power motor. There are times when she's so damned practical and overpowering she does me good. This is one of them. Good-bye. Don't kill the giant with a glance; and don't be silly enough to get hurt yourself." "All right.

He seemed to be reviewing something in his mind. "Fate," he observed sententiously, "is a cheap thimble-rigger." "Fate," she said, "is the ghost around the corner." "A dark green, sixty-horse-power ghost, operated by a matinée hero, a movie close-up, a tailor's model " "If you mean Reg, it's just as well for you he isn't here." "Pooh!" retorted the vengeful and embittered Dyke.

I could have hinted at horrors, and they would have gone by rail like lambs, taking you with them." "Lady Turnour can do nothing like a lamb," I contradicted him. "I should never have forgiven you for sending me away from the car. Besides, Lady Turnour wants to teuf-teuf up to the château in her sixty-horse-power Aigle, and make an impression on the aristocracy."

That morning, to the appeal of a drowning Caesar to "Help me, Cassius, or I sink," he had answered: "Sink!" That answer he had no wish to reconsider. That he might not reconsider he had sought to escape. It was his experience that a sixty-horse-power racing-machine is a jealous mistress. For retrospective, sentimental, or philanthropic thoughts she grants no leave of absence.

McTavish has a sixty-horse-power Mercedes, and he'll rush me over almost on your heels. Let Dollops go home by train, and you meet me as I've asked, will you?" "Yes," said Cleek. And so the joyous holiday came to an unexpected end.

He has preached the doctrine that the paramount and almost the exclusive duty of the American citizen consists in being a sixty-horse-power moral motor-car. In his own career his intelligence has been the handmaid of his will; and the balance between those faculties, so finely exemplified in Abraham Lincoln, has been destroyed by sheer exuberance of moral energy.