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Similis takes the gen., when it expresses, as here, an internal resemblance in character; otherwise the dat., cf. Habitus. Form and features, external appearance. The physical features of the Germans as described by Tacitus, though still sufficient to distinguish them from the more southern European nations, have proved less permanent than their mental and social characteristics. Idem omnibus. Cf.

To take the bridegroom's point-hose and pass it through the wedding ring: knot the said point, holding the fingers in the ring, and afterwards cut the knot saying, "God loosens what the Devil fastens." When the new-married couple are about to retire for the night to fasten upon the thigh of each a little slip of paper, inscribed with these words, Domine, quis similis tibi?

Such a large number of higher educational establishments are now to be found everywhere that far more teachers will continue to be required for them than the nature of even a highly-gifted people can produce; and thus an inordinate stream of undesirables flows into these institutions, who, however, by their preponderating numbers and their instinct of 'similis simile gaudet' gradually come to determine the nature of these institutions.

If you were only free a vinculo matrimonii " Rosamund laughed again, and sat stroking her muff and smiling. "Curious, isn't it?" she said to Nina "the inborn antipathy of two agreeable human bipeds for one another. Similis simili gaudet as my learned friend will admit. But with us it's the old, old case of that eminent practitioner, the late Dr. Fell. Esto perpetua! Oh, well!

Regi tamen et regno fidelis et obediens, nec non faciliter legibus subdita, si regatur.... Scotica gens ea ab initio est quae quondam in Hibernia fuit, et ei similis per omnia, lingua, moribus, et natura." Scoti-chronicon, Bk. ii, ch. ix.

NUSQUAM: i.e. nowhere in Homer. AIACIS: i.e. The genitive after similis is the rule in Cicero, though many examples of the dative are found even with names of persons; see Madv. on Fin. 5, 12. SED: see n. on 26. REDEO AD ME: so 45; Lael. 96, Div. 1, 97 ad nostra iam redeo; also below, 67 sed redeo ad mortem impendentem. VELLEM: see n. on. 26. IDEM: A. 238; G. 331, Rem. 2; H. 371, 2.

A little time and experience will enable you to produce a finished specimen: "Mox similis volucri, mox vera volucris." If your early performance should not correspond with your expectations, do not let that cast you down. You cannot become an adept all at once.

In the end, and in all conscience, I should rather have prescribed them hellebore than hemlock; "Captisque res magis mentibus, quam consceleratis similis visa;" justice has its corrections proper for such maladies.

A counterpoise and a counter poison exist in England's higher spheres, and I credit it to that noblest woman the queen, to Earl Russell, and to some few others. The would-be English noblesse, the Tories, and all the like genuine nobodies, or would-be somebodies, affect to side with the South. They are welcome to such an alliance, and even parentage. Similis simili gaudet.

He had a son, whose name was Tenot Dandin, a lusty, young, sturdy, frisking roister, so help me God! who likewise, in imitation of his peace-making father, would have undertaken and meddled with the making up of variances and deciding of controversies betwixt disagreeing and contentious party-pleaders; as you know, Saepe solet similis esse patri. Et sequitur leviter filia matris iter.