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Of course I knew they were beggars to talk, but I always thought that there was something in it, and that if it came to fighting they would show up pretty well; but to hear them going on now as to what France will do and doing nothing themselves, gives one a sickener. Then the way as they blackguard the Emperor, who wasn't by any means a bad chap, puts my monkey up I can tell you.

But werry little racing does for me; Sadler's Wells is well enough of a fine summer evening especially when they plump the clown over head in the New River cut, and the ponies don't misbehave in the Circus, but oh! Newmarket's a dreadful place, the werry name's a sickener. I used to hear a vast about it from poor Will Softly of Friday Street.

"They had such a sickener last night." "Well, I can't be sure," said Pen; "but as far as I can make out they have a lot of wounded men lying about here in this bit of a valley, and there are hundreds of them camped down about the fires. They wouldn't have lit those fires if it hadn't been a strong place." "I suppose not," said Punch. "I never thought of that.

'Oh! pretty play with your right, Kit! exclaimed Mallard, as Kit fetched his man an ugly stroke on the round of the waist behind, and the crowd sent up the name of the great organs affected: a sickener of a stroke, if dealt soundly. It meant more than 4 showed. Kit was now for taking liberties.

Ballantrae would have held on; indeed, there was nothing in this CONTRETEMPS to affect the mind of any soldier; but he had a quick perception of the men's wishes, and it was plain this lucky shot had given them a sickener of their trade.

"The boy has behaved like an ill-conditioned, ignorant cub Well! I'll spare you. We know how he's behaved. Let him pay for it. He'll get a sickener, I don't doubt. Serve him right. Serve him well right." "But, Mr. Boult he is my son." "What difference does that make, my dear lady? Every ungain-doing boy is some mother's son." "If Bernard could have one more chance!" "He's got it.

"Fancy a couple of doctors inventing a disease. It does sound a shame, don't it?" "Wait till you get it," said Sarakoff. "It seems to me you've been and done something nasty," he went on. "Ain't there enough diseases without you two going and makin' a new one? It's a fair sickener to think of all the diseases there are measles and softenin' of the brain, and 'eaving stummicks and what not.

Wilson made the very roof echo with his howls of unqualified delight, but Grim's face was uncommonly like that sunset he admired so much. "This is a sickener," he gasped. "Jove! Grim, you've wanted one long enough," said Wilson, holding his aching sides. "Crumbs! One would think she was old enough to be my mother." "That's a way they have, when they're not feeling quite the thing.

"As for Augustus Vernon Robert Todd" "ballon d'essai" "Kindergarten!" Oh! it was a sickener, and how the fellows had laughed! As for his bet with Cotton about cock-house, why, he had, when he saw those goals put on at the last moment, felt a cold shiver run down his back. He had crawled off the Acres a sick and sorry and miserable wretch.

Our object in ordering the men to fire slowly was, always to have thirty or forty rifles loaded, wherewith to receive the enemy should he attempt a charge en masse. But our first greeting had been a sickener, and it appeared almost doubtful whether he would venture to attack us again, although the officers did every thing in their power to induce their men to advance.