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"Wot d'yer want with 'eaving bricks for, anyway," he continued irately after a long inspection which revealed nothing. "This 'ere ain't a bean-feast where you gets the bag of nuts." "Watch this time, Ginger." Once again a large fragment came down in the neighbourhood of the dock leaves followed by an unmistakable groan. "Lumme, mate," said Ginger hoarsely, "wot is it?"

Tony, together with her children and their dozens of dresses, had gone for a summer outing, had no more on her table than her own family could dispose of. But the Angel, "'Eaving bless her," as Mrs.

"Fancy a couple of doctors inventing a disease. It does sound a shame, don't it?" "Wait till you get it," said Sarakoff. "It seems to me you've been and done something nasty," he went on. "Ain't there enough diseases without you two going and makin' a new one? It's a fair sickener to think of all the diseases there are measles and softenin' of the brain, and 'eaving stummicks and what not.

"An' me that proud of 'im, not 'avin' any family of my own, except one as died and went up to 'eaving arter 'is father, which I 'opes as they both are now angels, an' friendly, as 'is nature 'ad not developed in this valley of the shadder to determine 'is feelin's towards is father when 'e died, bein' carried off by a chill, caused by the change from 'ot to cold, the weather bein' that contrary."

At first there was nothing to hear, except the panting of the horses and the trickle of the eaving drops from our head-covers and clothing, and the soft sounds of the lonely night, that make us feel, and try not to think. Then there came a mellow noise, very low and mournsome, not a sound to be afraid of, but to long to know the meaning, with a soft rise of the hair.

At first there was nothing to hear, except the panting of the horses and the trickle of the eaving drops from our head-covers and clothing, and the soft sounds of the lonely night, that make us feel, and try not to think. Then there came a mellow noise, very low and mournsome, not a sound to be afraid of, but to long to know the meaning, with a soft rise of the hair.