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Updated: August 5, 2024
He was not a very sympathetic brother, and had not responded to the suggestion that the ungain-doing Dan should take himself, his bad fortune, his unsatisfactory habits, also to New South Wales to settle down beside him. Dan was of opinion, however, that, once there, this brother would find a difficulty in getting rid of him.
"The boy has behaved like an ill-conditioned, ignorant cub Well! I'll spare you. We know how he's behaved. Let him pay for it. He'll get a sickener, I don't doubt. Serve him right. Serve him well right." "But, Mr. Boult he is my son." "What difference does that make, my dear lady? Every ungain-doing boy is some mother's son." "If Bernard could have one more chance!" "He's got it.
He lifted his square-looking hand, clad in the new orange-coloured glove, to silence her. "Don't ask it," he said. "I know what you want me to do. Gibbon prepared me. You wish me to buy off this ungain-doing son. Not a penny of my money shall go to do it. Not a penny!" He brought the hand down smartly upon the counter, to emphasize the words. Mrs. Day, gazing sad-eyed at him, said nothing.
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