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Miss Feemy, and I'm fretting so these two days, that is, ever since Denis said it was to be this blessed day, the Lord help me! and I with it all on my shouldhers, and the divil a one to lend a hand the laste taste in life." "Why, Mary, what can there be so much to do at all?" "The wedding not to be at Brady's, where is it to be then?" "Oh, jist at Mrs. Mehan's shop below, at the loch."

Here's the bhoy that's afraid to ate an eyester fur fear av hurtin' the baste, an' that's goin' to hump Marahemo down to the farrum, aal so bould an' gay! Shure now, thim's the shouldhers that can do that same!" After a brief, friendly passage of arms between the two, the Saint continued hotly

Thin th' parlor cars ordhered be th' Rooshan admiral has not arrived an' wan iv th' Frinch gin'rals lost an omelette, or whativer 'tis they wear on their shouldhers, an' he won't budge till it can be replaced fr'm Pahrs.

"First, plase your honor, as I have him on my shouldhers, will you tell me where his bed is?" replied Peter. "I may as well lave him snug, as my hand's in, poor fellow. The devil's bad head he has, your honor. Faith, it's a burnin' shame, so it is, an' nothin' else to be able to bear so little!"

"Well, it's one comfort, that nobody knows it but ourselves. The poor childhre, for their own sakes, won't ever breathe it; so that it's likely the sacret 'll be berrid wid us." "I hope so, acushla. Does this coat sit asy atween the shouldhers? I feel it catch me a little." "The sorra nicer. There; it was only your waistcoat that was turned down in the collar. Here hould your arm.

An' his Raverince said it was a mysthery, an' swore if he cotched anyone laughin' at the accident, he'd lay the horsewhip across their shouldhers. 'An' Terence grew fonder an' fonder iv the gandher every day, until at last he died in a wondherful old age, lavin' the gandher afther him an' a large family iv childher.

I hope you wouldn't sell yourself to the Government, and got your liberty, affcher all, only as a bribe for villany, instead of a free gift." "See, now," he returned, "what I have brought on myself by tellin' you any thing at all about it a regular ould house on my shouldhers. No, darlin'," he proceeded, "you ought to know me better."

'Twill be worth lookin' at to see th' ladies fr'm th' stock yards r-rushin' into some wretched home down in Peerary avenue, grabbin' th' misthress iv th' house be th' shouldhers an' makin' her change her onhealthy silk dhress f'r a pink wrapper, shovelin' in a little ashes to sprinkle on th' flure, breakin' th' furniture an' rollin' th' baby in th' coal box.

The best poor man's wife that ever threwn a gown over her shouldhers." This was drank with all the honors, and the negotiation proceeded. "Now," said Appleton, "what's to be done? Paddy, say what you'll do for the girl."

All Paris awaits ye, sire." "'Make th' sleeves a little longer thin this, says th' boy. 'An' fill out th' shouldhers. What proof have I?" "'Wan or two inside pockets? says th' tailor. 'Two insides. Hankerchief pocket? Wan hankerchief. Th' pants is warn much fuller this year. Make that twinty-eight instid iv twinty-siven, he says. 'Paris shrieks f'r ye, he says. "'Proof, says th' la-ad.