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It is the sprig of shillelagh in a velvet sheath. CORK, Friday, Dec. 17th. The present condition of Mr. W. Bence Jones, of Lisselan, whom I called upon to-day, illustrates most vividly the advance made in the art of "Boycotting" since its invention.

Lavender's left eye; whereon he incontinently attacked them all, whirling the ham-bone round his head like a shillelagh. And had it not been that Blink and the maid seized his coat-tails he would have done them severe injury.

The Irishman's shillelagh was for years a conspicuous feature of the comic press. And there will instantly come to every one's mind that immortal passage in "Tristram Shandy." 'Twas infinitely striking! Susannah burst into a flood of tears." Canes are not absent from poetry. Into your ears already has come the refrain of "The Last Leaf": "And totters o'er the ground, With his cane."

The work of these ladies, be it said by the way, is in the line of descent from that group of older Irish novelists who wrote in the spirit of the devil-may-care gentry, the novelists from Maxwell to Lover and Lever, who were ever questing "divilment and divarshion," and who in their moods of boisterous fun forgot the real Irishman, and presented in his place a caricature him of the Celtic screech and the exhilarating whack of the shillelagh, the famous stage Irishman who has made occasional appearances in English literature from the time of Shakespeare's Henry V., on through the works of Fielding and the plays of Sheridan, to the present moment of writing.

We had great difficulty in keeping awake, and even Tim found it a hard matter not to drop down on the ground; but a sense of duty triumphed over his natural desire for rest, and he kept pacing up and down with his stout shillelagh in his hand, ready to do battle with any foes, either human or four-footed, which might approach our retreat.

Granting Whitechapel and the shillelagh affair, certain whispers of her good looks, contested only to be the more violently asserted; and therewith Rose Mackrell's tale of her being a 'young woman of birth, having a 'romantic story to tell of herself and her parentage, made her latest performance the champagne event of it hitherto. Men sparkled when they had it on their lips.

It's hardly likely the fellow will attempt to address you again, at least on that subject. So the old gentleman very impatiently watched the log heaps piling, and the teams straining, and the 'grog-bos' going his rounds, for a while longer. We left Andy Callaghan over his victim, with a flourishing shillelagh.

Already your flight has been discovered, and the alguazils are searching for us." "If they come, I will be after giving them a taste of my shillelagh," exclaimed Tim, flourishing the thick stick he carried. "It will be far better to hide ourselves than to oppose them," observed the guide, in his peculiar dialect, which I cannot attempt to imitate.

I don't say these habits and manners were pretty; but they were the custom of the time, and there's no good denying them. Now, Primitive Man, being thus by nature a fighting animal, fought for the most part at first with his great canine teeth, his nails, and his fists; till in process of time he added to these early and natural weapons the further persuasions of a club or shillelagh.

Maginn flourished his shillelagh, and belaboured his victim with a brutality that has hardly ever been equalled, even by the pioneer journals of the Wild West. 'This is a goose of a book, he begins, 'or if anybody wishes the idiom changed, the book of a goose.