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Under a strong guard of Vigilance Committee police the malodorous sextet were marched through town, and placed aboard the steamer Hercules. A squad of Vigilantes remained until the vessel left her dock to see that they did not escape. Thus did the Committee answer Governor Johnson's proclamation. The fortification of the Vigilante Headquarters went on.

The Rosé Quartet performed the sextet "Verklärte Nacht" and the Quartet, Opus 7. The "Kammersymphonie" and the choral work "Gurrelieder" were also played. In 1910 Schoenberg was appointed teacher of composition in the Imperial Academy. He is said at present to be in Vienna.

Lord Reginald Hastings and Mr. Amarinth are both coming, and Mr. Tyler. My cousin and I complete the sextet. Oh! I had forgotten Tommy. But he does not count, not as a wit, I mean. He is my cousin's little boy. He is to play about with the curate's children. That will be so elevating for him." "Delightful," said Madame Valtesi, with a face of stone. "No tea, thank you. I only stopped to tell you.

The second act, like the first, opens with a chorus, this time, however, of mixed voices, the power of which is amplified by a military band on the stage. The finale commences with the appearance of Don Carlos among the conspirators, and closes with the great sextet and chorus, "O Sommo Carlo."

"Why, Larry Colby is going too!" "I know it. But he won't come until tomorrow." "And Frank Harrington is going too." "He is there, already he wrote about it day before yesterday. That makes six of us New York, boys." "The metropolitan sextet," chirped in Sam. "Boys, we ought to form a league to stand by each other through thick or thin." "I'm with you on that," answered Fred.

His compositions are not numerous. Schoenberg appears to be a reflective rather than a spontaneous creator. Here is an abridged list: Opus 1, 2, and 3 (composed, 1898-1900); Opus 4, string sextet, which bears the title, Verklärte Nacht ; Gurrelieder, after J. P. Jacobsen, for solos; chorus and orchestra , published in the Universal Edition, Vienna; Opus 5, Pelléas et Mélisande, symphonic poem for orchestra , Universal Edition aforesaid; Opus 6, eight lieder (about 1905); Opus 7, E string quartet, D minor ; Opus 8, six orchestral lieder ; Opus 9, Kammersymphonie ; two ballads for voice and piano ; Peace on Earth, mixed chorus

The sextet included a full-blooded Cherokee; a consumptive ex-dentist out of Kansas, who from killing nerves in teeth had progressed to killing men in cold premeditation; a lank West Virginia mountaineer whose family name was the name of a clan prominent in one of the long-drawn-out hill-feuds of his native State; a plain bad man, whose chief claim to distinction was that he hailed originally from the Bowery in New York City; and one, the worst of them all, who was said to be the son of a pastor in a New England town.

When Mozart stopped, after the beautiful sextet, and conversation began again, he showed himself particularly pleased with the Baron's comments.

Round two o'clock on the afternoon of the third day Jane, for the moment alone in her chair, heard the phonograph the sextet from Lucia. She left her chair, looked down through the open transom and discovered Dennison cranking the machine. He must have seen her shadow, for he glanced up quickly. He crooked a finger which said, "Come on down!" She made a negative sign and withdrew her head.

"That trench scene they built for that show is as fine a contrivance as I've ever seen of the kind. What did they do? Set it to a lot of music without a hum or a ankle in it. A few classy nurses like the Mercy Militia Sextet, some live, grand-old-flag tunes by Harry Mordelle, and there's a half a million dollars in that show. Unger thinks I'm crazy when I try to get him interested, but I "