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If Trigger didn't know what to say herself, she was merely to look inscrutable. "I'll scrut," he explained. "The others won't. I'll take over then and you just follow my lead. Get it?" "Balmordan," Lyad said, "I understand you are going to Manon to attend the seminars and demonstrations on the plasmoid station?" "That is true, First Lady," said Balmordan.

Anne looked up from the "Statement" and said, "But Rama explicitly told us at the meeting in Malibu that he *did* take out a hand gun that night with Annie." "What Annie perhaps did not know," Anne added, "and what Rama fails to mention, is that he nearly *always* slept with a gun by his bed." Rama writes: Ms. Eastwood continued to attend my seminars for another year after our night together.

"Now I," Lyad told the company, "shall be more honest. The information released in those seminars is of no value whatever. He" she nodded at the Devagas scientist "and I are going to Manon with the same goal in mind. That is to obtain plasmoids for our government laboratories." Balmordan smiled amiably. Trigger asked. "How do you intend to obtain them?"

And until Jennifer Jacobs told me the story of her kidnapping, I too was at a loss to explain how these individuals, who attended my seminars at different times, had come to join together in an orchestrated effort to discredit me.

I recalled that the editor-in-chief of the Vajradhatu Sun, an international Buddhist newspaper, once wrote of Rama, "Nobody within the Buddhist tradition, as far as I know, has ever taken him seriously." Rama continues: Donald Kohl was a young man who at one time attended a number of my seminars in meditation and self-development.

Great Oaks was also structured as a school because I wanted to both learn and teach. Toward this end we started putting out a holistic health newsletter and offering classes and seminars to the public on various aspects of holistic health. From the early 1970s through the early 1980s I invited a succession of holistic specialists to reside at GOSH, or to teach at Great Oaks while living elsewhere.

However, to attempt to attribute his death to his interest in meditation or to his attendance at some seminars I conducted on meditation and self-development is far-fetched at the very least. When examined individually the charges that these six persons have made against me have little validity or impact.

Anne said to me, "Donald did not just attend a number of seminars. He was a student. He saw Rama on a weekly basis. He came to Rama's house and ate dinner with us. He came to parties. He went on desert trips. He came to movies with us on Friday nights. Rama is trying to make it seem as if Donald had been some kind of stranger." I replied, "Mr. Kohl called me after Donald's death.

It was my hope that this would give Lisa a new start and help her to gain some perspective on her life. Rama goes on: Nancy Knupfer, a woman in her early forties, attended some of my seminars a number of years ago. She also, entirely voluntarily, donated a sum of money to help defray the cost of offering meditation classes free or at low cost to the public...

Once at the new Centre, Atmananda recited for me the money mantra. "Ya devi sarva bhutesu ratna rupena sangsthita nastasvai namastvai namastvai namo nama," he chanted soulfully. If I could have followed his words down the corridors of time, I would have seen him Ya devi... Dramatically increasing the cost of public meditation lectures and seminars. ... sarva bhutesu...