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"Mad or sane, that's what she says," and Eva Beaulyon turned away from the spectacle of her semi-bald and eyebrow-less confidante with a species of sudden irritation and repulsion "She declares we are in the pay of her aunt and Lord Roxmouth. So we are, more or less! And what does it matter! Money must be had and whatever way there is of getting it should be taken.

A moment of silence, except for the sound of the busy pencil traveling across the paper. Jock, glaring at the semi-bald spot, spoke again. "Of course, Mr. Hupp, if you're too busy to see me " "M-m-m-m," a preoccupied hum, such as a busy man makes when he is trying to give attention to two interests. " why I suppose there's no sense in staying; but it seems to me that common courtesy "

Why, my boy Jacob there and your father were sworn brothers that they were sure weren't ye, Jacob?" "Ay, sure." said his son, a young man about sixty- five, with a semi-bald head and one tooth in the left centre of his upper jaw, which made much of itself by standing prominent, like a milestone in a bank. "But "twas Joe had most to do with him.

After him trotted a small, thin, pale, semi-bald individual who wore glasses and carried his nose raised and puckered as though some faintly unpleasant smell were troubling his nostrils. The fourth member of the party was dear old Bream. There was a confused noise of mutual greetings and introductions, and then Bream got a good sight of Sam and napped forward with his right wing outstretched.

Why, my boy Jacob there and your father were sworn brothers that they were sure weren't ye, Jacob?" "Ay, sure," said his son, a young man about sixty-five, with a semi-bald head and one tooth in the left centre of his upper jaw, which made much of itself by standing prominent, like a milestone in a bank. "But 'twas Joe had most to do with him.

Actors grew to recognize the semi-bald head and the shining, round, good-natured face looming out at them from the dim well of the parquet, and sometimes, in a musical show, they directed a quip at him, and he liked it. He could pick out the critics as they came down the aisle, and even had a nodding acquaintance with two of them. "Kelly, of the Herald," he would say carelessly.

The leanness! the osseosity! the grandiloquent whiskers parted in the middle! the mustachios! the goatees! the fat, Hoti-like stomachs! the protuberant knees! the thin arms! the bald or semi-bald pates! the spectacles or horn glasses or pince-nezes! laid aside a few moments later, as the exercises began.

His head was semi-bald. Jock knew him to be thirty. Jock fixed his eye on the semi-bald spot and spoke. "My name's McChesney," he began. "I wrote you three days ago; you probably will remember. You replied, asking me to call, and I " "Minute," exploded the man at the desk, still absorbed. Jock faltered, stopped. The man at the desk did not look up.