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Updated: August 22, 2024

If we add to these considerations the fact that the rural aristocracy, whether secessionist or unionist in politics in 1860, regarded the movements of the North in the spring of 1861 as ruthless attacks upon their ideals and their homes, we shall understand how the Confederates were able to organize a powerful and efficient army so early in the struggle.

We are fighting for the same thing our forefathers fought for Liberty!" "They won liberty for the whites only," said Frank. "Now we are going to have liberty for all men." "If I had a brother that was a slaveholder and secessionist, I wouldn't say any thing," sneered Jack. Frank felt cut by the taunt; but he said, gayly, "I won't spoil a story for relation's sake!

There was an ancient Episcopalian divine, who during nearly half a century had won for himself much affection and respect by a zealous and kindly discharge of his duties. A notorious Secessionist, he was wise and prudent withal, so that many were curious to hear how he would execute or evade the obnoxious order.

In the reorganization Philip F. Thomas of Maryland, a Secessionist also, succeeded Cobb; Judge Black was moved into the State Department; and Edwin M. Stanton of Pennsylvania followed Black as attorney-general. Mr. Floyd, than whom no Secessionist has left a name in worse odor at the North, had at first advised against any "rash movement" in the way of secession, on the ground that Mr.

Palmer, through the Civil War, was a most ardent Secessionist, and as honestly so as I was a Unionist. He spent much time in preaching to the Confederate soldiers, and he narrated to me an amusing incident which illustrated his calm and imperturbable temperament. The Northern army was lying so close to them that a battle was imminent at any moment. Dr.

Chanler explained and asserted that he was not secessionist that he was for the Union that he had served with the New York Seventh and that he had made a tender to General Dix of service on his staff, but that he had not received a reply from General Dix.

Of these, 69 were classed as "available;" but only 42 were actually in commission; and even of these many were in Southern harbors, and fell into the hands of the Confederates; many more were upon foreign and distant stations. Indeed, the dispersion was so great that it was commonly charged as having been intentionally arranged by secessionist officials under Mr. Buchanan.

Captain Edney himself came to investigate the matter, accompanied by the secessionist. "That's the boy," said Buckley, with determined vindictiveness, when Frank was arraigned before him. Frank could not help looking a little pale, for he felt that he was in a bad scrape, and how he was to get out of it, without either lying or betraying his accomplices, he could not see.

The Rhett influence in South Carolina and the long-standing quarrel of Governor Brown of Georgia with Jefferson Davis still further weakened the arm of Confederate administration. Even William L. Yancey, the most fiery of the secessionist leaders of 1860, devoted all his eloquence and abilities, from 1861 to the time of his death in 1863, to attacking the Government of his own making.

When not peering around she would often catch his eyes bent on her with a baleful expression. Leroy and his cousin immediately fell into a discussion on the condition of the country. Lorraine was a rank Secessionist, ready to adopt the most extreme measures of the leaders of the movement, even to the reopening of the slave trade.

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