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Noa, noa, we niver heeard a wod more o' t' awd lass. Our rig'mint went to Pindi, an' t' Canteen Sargint he got himself another tyke insteead o' t' one 'at got lost so reg'lar, an' was lost for good at last. I closed and drew for my Love's sake, That now is false to me, And I slew the Riever of Tarrant Moss, And set Dumeny free.

"Take Henry's paddle, Tom; it lies on the right side of the box. Lay it across the reeds and stand on it." "Ah, sure and that's betther. Kape yer ind a little more up-strame, sargint. We'll steer by the avening star." In a few minutes the balsa lodged against the shore in the still water of a little cove.

'Just thin Crook comes up, blue an' white all over where he wasn't red. "Wather!" sez he; "I'm dead wid drouth! Oh, but it's a gran' day!" 'He dhrank half a skinful, and the rest he tilts into his chest, an' it fair hissed on the hairy hide av him. He sees the little orf'cer bhoy undher the Sargint. "Fwhat's yonder?" sez he.

Hearing this, I started for the secret postern, and as I opened my door, heard the honest old soldier shout: "Corpril uv th' guard, No. 1!" and, in a lower and appealing tone: "Liftinint, if ye hear me, come quick to the little sargint. I fear th' dear b'y is dyin'."

They thried some av their dog's thricks on me, but I dhrew a line round my cot, an' the man that thransgressed ut wint into hospital for three days good. 'O'Hara had put his spite on the room he was my Colour Sargint an' nothin' cud we do to plaze him. I was younger than I am now, an' I tuk what I got in the way av dressing down and punishment-dhrill wid my tongue in my cheek.

"'I'm a dishgraced man! sez the little orf'cer bhoy. "Put me undher arrest, sorr, if you will, but by my sowl, I'd do ut again sooner than face your mother wid you dead, sez the Sargint that had sat on his head, standin' to attention an' salutin'. But the young wan only cried as tho' his little heart was breakin'. "Thin another man av the Tyrone came up, wid the fog av fightin' on him."

We were too ill-natured to talk for amusement, and there was nothing else to talk for. This spell was broken about eleven o'clock by the appearance at the head of the stairway of the Irishman with the gun-barrel cane, and his singing out: "Sargint uv the flure: fourtane min and a bread-box!" Instantly every man sprang to his feet, and pressed forward to be one of the favored fourteen.

"That's thrue," sez he, pulling his moustache; "but I do not believe that you, for all your lip, was in that business." "Sargint," I sez, "I cud hammer the life out av a man in ten minuts wid my fistes if that man dishpleased me; for I am a good sodger, an' I will be threated as such, an' whoile my fistes are my own they're strong enough for all work I have to do.

'E's a dirty little pigscraper, that's wot 'e is." "What did Mulvaney say? He's not the make of man to take that quietly." "Said! Bin better for 'im if 'e'd shut 'is mouth. Lord, 'ow we laughed! 'Sargint, 'e sez, 'ye say I'm dirty. Well, sez 'e, 'when your wife lets you blow your own nose for yourself, perhaps you'll know wot dirt is.

"I wint over to the rendywoo last noight be the cap'en's orders, sor, fur to say if there wor any more hands awaitin' to jine. Faith an' there I mates me wife's first cousin, Bridget O'Halloran, as is merried now be the same token to Sargint Lintstock." "Sergeant Lintstock?" "Ay, sor, that same, which makes him, sure, me second cousin once removed, though, faith, he's me soupayrior orfiser!