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Sure enough, there was a rough shanty nearly finished; some furrows had been plowed, and every indication of settlement was present. Mr. Bolton bit his lip and used language which, if it did not grate on his own ears, could not on the only other listener, his horse. Rupert was on the roof of his shanty, and Mr. Bolton greeted him as he rode up. "Hello, Rupe, what're ye doin'?"

The Tarpeian Rock, from which the condemned used to be thrown by the ancient Romans, is close by this edifice, if the Rupe Tarpeia still pointed out is the veritable one.

"I only said that in fun." "In 'fun'!" repeated Rupe stormily. "You better look out how you " "Well, I SAID I wasn't in earnest!" Penrod retreated a few steps. "I knew you could, all the time. I expect I could do it to some of the boys up at the Third, myself. Couldn't I?" "No, you couldn't." "Well, there must be SOME boy up there that I could " "No, they ain't! You better "

"He allowed he'd break the rupe after he'd walked on it, and he said it wasn't stretched tight enough, and went along a feeling of it; and Misc Somers found out every time he teched of it he put on some bluestone water or somethin' else to rot it, so, of course, he bruke it easy. But Misc Somers's going to tell him, if he comes agin, he's a mountin-bank. Lord sakes! she ain't afraid."

Non ego vos posthac viridi projectus in antro Dumosa pendere procul de rupe videbo. half way down Hangs one who gathers samphire, is the well-known expression of Shakespeare, delineating an ordinary image upon the cliffs of Dover.

Penrod and Sam heard Rupe suddenly squawk and bellow; saw him writhe and twist and fling out his arms like flails, though without removing his face from its juxtaposition; indeed, for a moment, the two heads seemed even closer. Then they separated and battle was on!

Sciendum enim est, saepe plures simul crescere, nec non generant, et concipiunt inuicem de rore coeli, quemadmodum et Margaritae: quod ego pluries tentans, accepi de rupe cespitem cum diamante masculo, et femella, plantans in pratello, et frequentans, focillans madefeci de rore Maii.

What was even worse, in Marjorie's opinion, he went on his way without explanation, and left her standing on the corner talking about it, long after he was out of hearing. Within five days from his first encounter with Rupe Collins, Penrod had become unbearable.

"You know, Rupe," continued Mr. Ford demurely, "she must show SOME reserve before company like to-day. It won't do to make a scandal." Rupert maintained an indignant silence. Only for a moment; the dark eyes clouded again. "I wish I was dead, Mr. Ford." "Hallo!" "Or doin' suthin'." "That's better. What do you want to do?" "To work make a livin' myself.

They won't get a crack on the head OH, no!" "When's Rupe Collins coming?" Sam Williams inquired rather uneasily. He had heard a great deal too much of this personage, but as yet the pleasure of actual acquaintance had been denied him. "He's liable to be here any time," answered Penrod. "You better look out. You'll be lucky if you get home alive, if you stay till HE comes."