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The records of military enterprise, exploration, pioneering, and so forth, furnish abundant evidence of this very obvious fact. You will find, I think, that high breeding and training are conditions of superiority in the human as well as in the equine and canine races; pedigree being, of course, the primary desideratum. Non generant aquilae columbas, we say."

Laudo nuptias, laudo coniugium, sed quia mihi virgines generant. Ad uxorem, i, 7 and 9: non aliud dicendum erit secundum matrimonium quam species stupri. Jerome, Epist., 123. See also id., Epistola de viduitate servanda, Migne 22, p. 550, and the Epist. de monogamia, Migne, 22, p. 1046. Ambrose, de viduis liber unus, Migne, 16, p. 234. Cf.

Thus all devouring Death nay, nay! it is all sheltering, all restoring mother Nature, receiving again into her mighty matrix the stuff worn out in the fashioning toil of her wasteful, greedy, and slatternly children. In her genial bosom, the exhausted gathers life, the effete becomes generant, the disintegrate returns to resting and capable form.

To Count Giovanni Borromeo he wrote concerning the return of Columbus from his first voyage: ...rediit ab Antipodibus occiduis Christophorus quidam Colonus, vir ligur, qui a meis regibus ad hanc provinciam tria vix impetraverat navigia, quia fabulosa, que dicebat, arbitrabantur; rediit preciosum multarum rerum sed auri precipue, qua suapte natura regiones generant tulit.

Et in quadam, sexum tam masculinum, quam foeminieum habentes, qui dum masculino vtuntur generant, dum foeminino, impregnantur et pariunt.