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Updated: August 17, 2024

On the Starboard side going up, we proceeded still up the River some four Leagues, and return'd, taking a View of the Land on both sides, and then judg'd ourselves to be from our Ship some 18 Leagues W. and by N. One League below this Place, came four Indians in a Canoe to us, and sold us several Baskets of Acorns, which we satisfy'd them for, and so left them; but one of them follow'd us on the Shoar some two or three Miles, till he came on the Top of a high Bank, facing on the River; and as we row'd underneath it, the Fellow shot an Arrow at us, which very narrowly miss'd one of our Men, and stuck in the upper edge of the Boat; but broke in pieces, leaving the Head behind.

Thou therefore take my brand Excalibur, Which was my pride: for thou rememberest how In those old days, one summer noon, an arm Rose up from out the bosom of the lake, Clothed in white samite, mystic, wonderful, Holding the sword and how I row'd across And took it, and have worn it, like a king; And, wheresoever I am sung or told In aftertime, this also shall be known: But now delay not: take Excalibur, And fling him far into the middle mere: Watch what thou seest and lightly bring me word."

"What say ye to bomb stanes at 'um?" suggested Donald. "An' kill 'im, maybe," returned Junkie, with sarcasm in his eye. "Heave divits at 'um, then." "Ay; that's better." Accordingly, the two urchins tore up a mass of turf which was much too heavy to heave. "Let's row'd," suggested the active-minded Donald.

Although, indeed, ye wear the trews, a garment whilk I approve maist of the twa, as mair ancient and seemly. 'Or rather, said Fergus, 'hear my song: She wadna hae a Lowland laird, Nor be an English lady; But she's away with Duncan Graeme, And he's row'd her in his plaidy. By this time they reached the palace of Holyrood, and were announced respectively as they entered the apartments.

Enjoy'd specially those brief trips to and fro the sailors, tann'd, strong, so bright and able-looking, pulling their oars in long side-swing, man-of-war style, as they row'd me across. I saw the boys in companies drilling with small arms; had a talk with Chaplain Rawson.

On Wednesday the 28th, we row'd up about 8 or 10 Leagues more. Thursday the 29th, was foul Weather, with much Rain and Wind, which forc'd us to make Huts, and lie still. Friday the 30th, we proceeded up the main River, 7 or 8 Leagues.

She wadna hae a Lowland laird, Nor be an English lady; But she's away with Duncan Grame, And he's row'd her in his plaidy. By this time they reached the palace of Holyrood, and were announced respectively as they entered the apartments. It is but too well known how many gentlemen of rank, education, and fortune took a concern in the ill-fated and desperate undertaking of 1745.

Their Proes or Canoes, large and Small, are row'd and Steer'd with Paddles, and, notwithstanding the large ones appear to be very unweildy, they manage them very dexterously, and I believe perform long and distant Voyages in them, otherwise they could not have the knowledge of the Islands in these Seas they seem to have.

Sunday the 25th, we weigh'd again, and row'd up the River, it being calm, and got up some 14 Leagues from the Harbour's Mouth, where we mor'd our Ship. On Monday Oct. the 26th, we went down with the Yawl, to Necoes, an Indian Plantation, and view'd the Land there. On Tuesday the 27th, we row'd up the main River, with our Long-Boat, and 12 Men, some 10 Leagues, or thereabouts.

Next day Haco Barepoles steered the "Coal-Coffin" triumphantly into the port of London, with a hole in her side big enough, if Tom Grattan's report is to be believed, "to admit of a punt bein' row'd d'rect from the sea into the hold!" The steamer which had run down the sloop of Haco Barepoles was a large iron one, which had just set out on a voyage to the West Indies.

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