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And there was no need of that in what was only a friendly contest. "You did it!" declared Yellin' Kid, as Four Eyes loosed his rope and it fell to the ground, the riders guiding their horses out of the loop. "You shore did it!" "But it was a trick!" declared Old Billee. "'Tw'an't straight ropin'!" "Yes, it's a trick, but not every one can do it," said the new cowboy.

They uses up a bale of half-inch rope a year; an' as for law an' order an' a scene of fragrant peace, that outfit is comparable only with flower gyardens on a quiet hazy August afternoon. "'This Aaron Green who prounces thus on Yellow City, intendin' to foment litigations an' go ropin' 'round for fees, is plenty young; but he's that grave an' dignified that owls is hilarious to him.

Then he jest nach'lly dozes off an' the boys thinks he's spliflicated an' takes him down to the hotel an' puts him to bed, an' before he wakes up I'll have the buckin' contest, an' the ropin' contest, an' most of the rest of it in my war-bag.

"Say, Bud, them Starr boys has cleaned us out on ropin' and racin'. We trimmed 'em on ridin'. Now that makes two to one, and we're askin' you as a old-timer if we're goin' to let them fellas ride north a-tellin' every hay-tosser atween here and Stacey that we're a bunch of jays?" "Oh, shucks!" was all Bud had to say.

"Oh, no, Billy ain't none onforgivin' to Manuela for ropin' up 'Doby an' weddin' him that a-way; but you see downin' her paw for stealin' the mule that time gets so it makes him bashful an' reluctant.

Colonel Sterett an' Dan Boggs j'ines us accidental, an' we-all six holds a pow wow in low tones. "'Which Jack, observes Enright, like he's experimentin' an' ropin' for our views, 'allows it's his beliefs that this yere guileless tenderfoot, Davis, who says he's from Buffalo, an' who's been prancin' about town for the last two days, is involved in them felonies.

Ropin' an' flankin' calves an' standin' off an old cow with one hand while you irons up her offspring with t'other, from sun-up till dark, is sedentary compared to makin' stanzas. What was the on I makes? Well, you can bet a hoss I ain't forgot it none.

But I s'pose I'd ort to be satisfied, I drug down most of the other money all but the ropin', an' I'd of had that if it hadn't of be'n fer Tex Benton's luck. An' he'll win ag'in, chances is if his cinch holds. Here he comes now; him an' that breed. They hain't never no more'n a rope's len'th apart. Tex must have somethin' on him the way he dogs him around."

At this Dan gets his number-two gun to b'ar, an' with one in each hand, confronts the tan-coloured multitoode. "'That's shore a nice shot, Nell! says Dan over his shoulder, ropin' for the congratoolations he thinks is comin. "But Nell don't hear him; she's one hundred yards away an' streakin' it for the Red Light like a shootin' star.

A little," Conniston told him; while Hapgood, being somewhat strengthened by his rest and his meal, grunted. "After a man gets the swing of it, sorta, it ain't always such hard work?" "No, it isn't such hard work after a while." Lonesome Pete nodded slowly and many times. "It's jest like anything else, ain't it, when you get used to it? Jest as easy as ropin' a cow brute or ridin' a bronco hoss?"