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"What the Deef Woman says to the Major, or him to her; or what makes him hit the trail for Red Dog that a-way no one learns. The Deef Woman ain't seemin' to regard the Major's jumpin' the outfit as no loss, however. Wherein she's plenty accurate, for that Major shorely ain't worth ropin' to brand.

"Now you-all has most likely begun to marvel where them labor struggles comes buttin' in. We're within ropin' distance now. It's not made cl'ar, but, as I remarks prior, I allers felt like Huggins is the bug onder the chip when them printers gets hostile that time an' leaves the agency. Huggins ain't feeble enough mental to believe for a moment Boggs writes that piece.

"That bay ain't much account, Mr. Bartley. He's slow nothin' but a ole cow-hoss I kind of keep around for odd jobs of ropin' and such." "Well, he's good enough for me. I'll give you a hundred for him." Wishful scratched his head. He did not want to sell the bay for that sum, yet he was too good a sport to go back on his word. "Say, where was you raised?" he queried abruptly. "In Kentucky."

"'You can gamble a pony she comes, says Texas. 'If it's a wife, now, like mine which goes ropin' 'round for a divorce over in Laredo recent; an', as you-all is aware, she shorely ties it down thar might be a chance out ag'in her advent. But bein' she's his mother, Wolfville may as well brace itse'f for the shock.

Kirby rode back from the eddy in the road, his mouth a wide grin splitting his skin-and-bone face. He had a length of heavy blue cloth across the saddle before him and was smoothing it lovingly with one chilblained hand. "Got me one of them theah overcoats," he announced. "Sure fine, like to thank General Wilson for it personal. If I could git me in ropin' distance of him to do that."

Just about as hard as ropin’ a mountain-lion an’ sayin’, ’remember, you are a sheep from this time henceforth, and trim your action accordin’.’ I’d say to paw, ’Let’s walk together in the gloaming, here in this deserted garden’; and paw would say, ’Name o’ Gawd, woman, have you lost your mind?

Well, we did all kinds o' fancy ropin', an' I was a shade the better at all of it; but those confounded cusses kept on claimin' it was a tic until I got het up a little, an' sez 'at we'll have a lassoo duel an' that'll settle it, even among blind men. This ain't all amusement, this lassoo-duel on hoss-back, an' I see Andrews look wickedly content.

"This yere cattle business ain't what it used to be; no more is cow-punchers. Things is gettin' effete. These day it's a case of chutes an' brandin' pens an' wire fences an' ten-mile pastures, an' thar's so little ropin' that a boy don't have practice enough to know how to catch his pony. "In the times I'm dreamin' of all this is different.

Yuh take my advice, an' when he comes cavortin' about yeah again within ropin' distance get yuah string on him and corral him foh keeps. He'll be good from now on if you give him thu chanct. An' if yuh don't, he'll run rampageous to the bad an' yuh'll be to blame!" And the wise old woman was even wiser than she knew.

An' you, Mister Hawe, you come along, not satisfied with ropin' an' beatin', an' Gaw knows what else, of thet friendless little Bonita; you come along an' face the lady we fellers honor an' love an' reverence, an' you you Hell's fire!"