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"So you and Jane and Cynthia and Agnes are here to protect me against the assaults of of a 'tough crowd." "We're here if we're wanted," said Jane robustly. "And somehow," said Flora, "I think we shall be wanted." Mrs. Barraclough's hands went out and she drew the two girls a little closer.

Obenreizer was a black-haired young man of a dark complexion, through whose swarthy skin no red glow ever shone. When colour would have come into another cheek, a hardly discernible beat would come into his, as if the machinery for bringing up the ardent blood were there, but the machinery were dry. He was robustly made, well proportioned, and had handsome features.

But the voice of prudence was not to the taste of the younger generations. "It'll be so near the store," Milly suggested. "Papa can come home for his lunch." "You've got to live up to your prospects, mother," Horatio pronounced robustly. The old lady saw that she was beaten and said no more. With compressed lips she contemplated the future.

Temple's house informed me that 'the men' were upon them. If so, they were the forerunners of a horde, and my father was as good as extinguished. He staked everything on success; consequently, he forfeited pity. Good-bye to ambition, I thought, and ate heartily, considering robustly the while how far lower than the general level I might avoid falling.

Now let me tell you one thing. Let me tell you something. Listen! Johnnie was cheating!" "'Johnnie," said the cowboy, blankly. There was a minute of silence, and then he said, robustly, "Why, no. The game was only for fun." "Fun or not," said the Easterner, "Johnnie was cheating. I saw him. I know it. I saw him. And I refused to stand up and be a man. I let the Swede fight it out alone.

She kept straight on, and mounted the platform beside Jeff, and there she bowed to her audience and was cheered. When she spoke to Jeff, it was with a perfect self-possession, an implied mastery of him and the event. "I'll interpret." After all, why not fall in with her, old mistress of guile? He began quite robustly and thought he was doing very well.

She would see springing up in the darkness around her the grove of the trees that their kisses had created: the silver birches that were their delicate, unclinging kisses; the sturdy elms that were their kisses when they loved robustly and thought of a home together; the white-boled beeches with foliage of green fire that they were when they loved most intensely.

If the color of his skin, his black hair, and the easy grace of his attitude denoted a Spanish origin, the ensemble of his person showed none of the racial characteristics peculiar to the natives of the Iberian peninsula. He was a man of about forty-five years of age, about the average height, and robustly constituted.

He robustly tolerated Matt's queer notions, not only because he was a father who blindly doted on his children and behaved as if everything they did was right, no matter if it put him in the wrong, but because he chose to respect the fellow's principles, if those were his principles. He had his own principles, and Matt should have his if he liked.

For either it would presuppose quite womanly delicacy of perception, and, as it were, a curiosity in shades of differing sentiment; or it would mean that he had accepted the large, simple divisions of society: a strong and positive spirit robustly virtuous, who has chosen a better part coarsely, and holds to it steadfastly, with all its consequences of pain to himself and others; as one who should go straight before him on a journey, neither tempted by wayside flowers nor very scrupulous of small lives under foot.