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The swan's attachment and obedience to her were struggling against some swan-like instinct which made him rear a lofty head and twist it riverward. "Kiss me, I say! Shall I have to beat thee over the head with my clavier to teach thee manners?" Shubenacadie darted his snake neck downward and touched bills with her. She patted his coral nostrils. "Not yet.

The Black Smoke drifted slowly riverward all through Monday morning, creeping nearer and nearer to us, driving at last along the roadway outside the house that hid us. A Martian came across the fields about midday, laying the stuff with a jet of superheated steam that hissed against the walls, smashed all the windows it touched, and scalded the curate's hand as he fled out of the front room.

With a giant's strength he sent the scow out into the bayou, and then back and forth he swung the long one-man sweep, twisting the craft riverward with the force of two pairs of arms instead of one. Behind the closed door of the tiny cabin was all that the world now held worth fighting for. By turning his head he could see the faint illumination of the candle at the window.

The lights of the village twinkled at our feet, and now and then a voice from below was caught and borne upward to us. Once another noise startled us, followed by an exclamation, "Donnerblitzen" and a volley of low curses from the company. Poor Swein Poulsson had loosed a stone, which had taken a reverberating flight riverward.

To our left, the views came in broken, picturesque bits; a stretch of shrubbery, a reach of garden wall, some quaint outbuildings in warm, dull red, a glimpse of courtyard beyond a corner of box, and then the old home itself. The riverward portal of Westover stands tall, white, and finely typical of its day.

They crossed the riverward corner of the Square, where they had met. He tried to tell her how she had seemed that first day. "I cannot understand," she replied. "Especially that day when I first saw you, I had nothing." Now they ascended the terraces that commanded the Vistula.

The young courier needed no second bidding, so in a few minutes the canoe was speeding riverward, with Dane paddling and Jean facing him. Peace surrounded them as they moved onward, but a deeper peace than that which brooded over river and land dwelt in their happy young hearts.

Hard by there is a recreation pier, and on summer evenings the young men of the neighborhood may be seen trooping riverward with their girls to hear the music. The gang that "laid out" two policemen, to my knowledge, has gone out of business. The best-laid plans are sometimes upset by surprising snags.

Pedestalled high above it, the general sits his cavorting steed, with his face turned stonily down the river toward English Turn, whence come no more Britons to bombard his cotton bales. Often the two sat in this square, but to-night Lorison guided her past the stone-stepped gate, and still riverward.

Let me describe it this first landscape, the sole picture of my boyish days, and vivid as all such pictures are. At the end of the arbour the wall which enclosed us on the riverward side was cut down my father had done it at my asking so as to make a seat, something after the fashion of Queen Mary's seat at Stirling, of which I had read. Thence, one could see a goodly sweep of country.