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Reckon the best and only thing we can do, is down boats, and then slip cable right-away. We might get a show then to lay along the reef, and get clear." "I'm not going to lose a new cable and anchor to please any one," was the stupid reply. Then he sang out to the men to man the windlass.

Whenever they get holes in 'em, I want yeh to send 'em right-away back to me, so's I kin dern 'em. "An' allus be careful an' choose yer comp'ny. There's lots of bad men in the army, Henry.

"Right-away. If you're ready, I'm ready also," said Alf promptly. "It will be a strange thing if 'Rule Britannia' leads Britons into a mess instead of out of one."

Now you go, M'sieu McCullough! . . . out of ze ward right-away! . . . Vat you say vat you do I do not know, but you 'ave excite 'im 'orrible! . . . Oh, pardonnez-moi, Docteur!" she ejaculated, as she bumped into that gentleman in the corridor. "Hullo!" said the latter inquiringly, as he remarked the little nurse's flushed, angry face. "What's up, Sister Marthe?"

"You'll land at Ponapé, will you?" sneered the supercargo, "It's lucky for you we are not in port now, for I'd kick you ashore right-away."

With a most ungallant ejaculation he swung on his heel and started towards the stable, beckoning hastily to Yorke and Redmond to follow. "Yu hear that?" he burst out on them, with lowered, savage tones. "I knew ut I felt ut at th' toime that shtinkin' rapparee av a hobo was lyin' whin he said he did not renumber a harse bein' brought back. We must go get um right-away!"

"Oh, about that inquest, Sergeant," he queried casually, "what was the jury's finding? I was forgetting all about that." "Eyah; on'y fwhat yuh might expect," replied the latter. "Death by shootin', at th' hand av some person unknown. I wired headquarthers right-away." He made a slightly impatient movement. "Well, we must get busy, Mr. Gully; this shtiff connot be far away.

Whenever they get holes in 'em, I want yeh to send 'em right-away back to me, so's I kin dern 'em. "An' allus be careful an' choose yer comp'ny. There's lots of bad men in the army, Henry.

Blair's place is only about three miles from here nor'east they're on the long-distance 'phone. Doctor Cox of Cow Run's the coroner for this district. If I can get hold of him I'll get him to come out right-away and I'll notify Slavin." Catching up his horse he swung into the saddle. "I'll be back here on the jump.

If we'd have been the smart, 'never-make-a-mistake' Alecks, like we're depicted in books, why, of course we'd have 'deducted' this right-away, I suppose? Oh, Ichabod! Ichabod! An Englishman, too, by gad! I'll forswear my nationality." "Whatever could he have on Larry, though?" was Redmond's bewildered query.