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Their hope in Christ has been such as has extended itself no further than to this life, and therefore they are of all men the most miserable. The Psalmist therefore, by exhorting us unto this duty, doth put us in mind of four things. I. That the best things are yet behind, and in reversion for the saints. II. That those that have believed, will yet meet with difficulties before they come at them.

If all is contemptible except individual virtue, it is reversion to savage and solitary existence which is preached: there is no more civilization or society or patriotism. Antisthenes in these ideas was surpassed by his disciples and successors; they were cosmopolitans and anarchists.

He perfectly understood his own interest; he had perfect command of his temper; he endured decorously the hardships of his present situation, and contented himself by looking forward to a reversion which would amply repay him for a few years of patience.

We both rather pity one another, for he can't appreciate Thackeray and I can't understand Marie Corelli, whose works, with their deep spiritual meaning, he speaks of reverently. He hopes to educate me up to "Ardath," and I have offered him the reversion of "Esmond," which I bought yesterday.

It may be that the whole menagerie of Eden spoke in the human tongue, and that Balaam's ass was only what the biologists would call "a case of reversion" to the primitive type. Josephus and most of the Fathers conceived of the serpent as having had originally a human voice and legs; so that if he could not have walked about with Eve arm in arm, he might at least have accompanied her in a dance.

The occasional appearance at the present day of canine teeth which project above the others, with traces of a diastema or open space for the reception of the opposite canines, is in all probability a case of reversion to a former state, when the progenitors of man were provided with these weapons, like so many existing male Quadrumana.

But hear me, my venerable sister start not at the word venerable; it implies many praiseworthy qualities besides age; though that too is honourable, albeit it is the last quality for which womankind would wish to be honoured But perpend my words: let Lovel and me have forthwith the relics of the chicken-pie, and the reversion of the port."

A few months afterwards I got the entail cut off my reversion, but I should hardly think there was much connection between the two things. Nevertheless I shall hang some holly up this year. ii If not designed the result is arrived at as effectually as though it were so. Accident, Design and Memory

Phœbe raised her head the look in the dark eyes of the teacher filled her with a sudden reversion of feeling. How could she go on hating any one so beautiful! "Phœbe, I'm sorry I'm so sorry there has been any trouble the first day and that you have been the cause of it." "I ach, Miss Lee," the child blurted out half-sobbingly, "Mary, she tattled on me." "That was wrong, of course.

The present condition of Mexico affords a striking exemplification of this law of reversion. The inheritable characteristics or variations, produced from an infusion of Spanish blood, are rapidly disappearing the native blood whipping out the European. The potency is in the inferior blood, simply because it is the predominating one.