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There were some twenty pairs of birds in this Redwing colony, who seemed to be much frightened by the approach of visitors. "Here is a nest in this alder bush," said the Doctor; "step carefully on the grass hummocks, and look at it for a moment, Nat. See how neatly it is made of the dried leaves of flags and grasses, woven in and out between three upright stalks."

Up they went, higher than I had ever seen a blackbird venture before. And against such unequal odds! But the hawk was scared and had not stopped to look back. He circled; the blackbird cut across inside and caught him on almost every round. And still higher in pure bravado the redwing forced him.

At the same time she relished keenly the delights of the masquerading sphere, where her wealth and her beauty made her doubly welcome. From praying by the bedside of a costermonger's wife, she would speed away to shine among the brightest in phantasmagoric drawing-rooms; her mother could seldom accompany her, but there was always some one ready to chaperon Beatrice Redwing.

That he would some day take for his wife Beatrice Redwing was a conclusion upon which father and aunt had settled their minds; the conclusion was reasonable enough, and well supported by such evidence as the ease admitted. Mr.

These also the irascible redwing decided to be foes, flying about their heads threateningly, and never ceasing his doleful cries so long as they were in sight.

She kept a small house in London, but spent the greater part of the year at home or foreign health-resorts. Her relatives had supposed that she would return to her own country, but Mrs. Redwing had tastes which lacked gratification in a provincial manufacturing town.

What you don't know, you can't tell." "That's right, Redwing. I am glad you have so much sense," said another voice, and Mrs. Redwing alighted very near to Redwing. Peter couldn't help thinking that Old Mother Nature had been very unfair indeed in dressing Mrs. Redwing.

They moult at the South, and the young pass gradually into adult plumage. The male redwing, up to his first autumn, is hardly distinguishable in dress from his mother.

Be assured that such a thought as this never occurred to Miss Redwing herself; her very last conversation with me forbids any such idea. Mr. Athel still drummed on the book, seemingly paying little heed to the speaker. 'You find sympathy in Miss Hood? he asked suddenly, with a touch of sarcasm. 'The deepest.

Athel is in every respect worthy to become a member of your family. Her voice began to express emotion, 'Mr. Athel, you are not against me? It is so hard to find no sympathy. I have set my heart on this. Perhaps I seem to ask a great deal, but I have I not some little 'My dear Miss Redwing, broke in Mr.