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Her first lessons Eunice received from the professional, but after that she saved money by distributing herself among her hordes of admirers, who were only too willing to give up good matches to devote themselves to her tuition. By degrees she acquired a fair skill and a confidence in her game which was not altogether borne out by results. From Ramsden Waters she did not demand a lesson.

"Yes;" and he gave the letter to his father, while Blanche, who had a very inquisitive pair of eyes, began to read from a paper he placed on the table. "'Norman Walter, son of Richard and Margaret May, High Street, Doctor of Medicine, December 21st, 18 . Thomas Ramsden." "What is that for, Norman?" and, as he did not attend, she called Mary to share her speculations, and spell out the words.

He besought Miss Ramsden to "pitch into him"; declared that he knew, don't you know, that he was an "awful rotter"; but represented himself as waiting eagerly to be guided in the way in which he should go. How was he to begin? Elma puckered her delicate eyebrows.

If they appeal to him this train will go on without us. "Ramsden, you and Narayan Singh go and sit with Mabel in her compartment. Jeremy, you go forward and bring Yussuf Dakmar back here to me; we'll let him have that fake letter just before we reach Deraa, taking care somehow to let the other five know he has it. They won't discover it's a fake until after leaving Deraa " "Why not?"

Perhaps they might persuade Mr. Ramsden to take him as a curate with a view to Cocksmoor, and this prospect, vague as it was, gave an object and hope to his studies. Every one thought the delay of his examination favourable to him, and he now read with a determination to succeed. Dr. May had offered to let him read with Mr.

The number of men engaged in this affair, on our side, was nine hundred and sixty-four, and our loss in killed and wounded was sixty-six, including Captain Capron and Hamilton Fish, both of whom died on the field. The Spaniards, according to the statement of Mr. Ramsden, British consul in Santiago, had a force of nearly three thousand men and reported a loss of seven killed and fourteen wounded.

Besides, you fellers agreed that if I shut down the mine at Abu Kem you'd join me and we'd be Grim, Ramsden and Ross." "I'll keep the bargain if you hold me to it when the time comes," Grim answered. "You bet I'll hold you to it! Rammy here, and you and I could trade the chosen people off the map between us. We're a combination. What's time got to do with it?"

Eunice was more startled than angry. "Of course, I'm tremendously complimented, Mr. " She had to pause to recall the name. "Mr. "Waters," said Ramsden, humbly. "Of course, yes. Mr. Waters. As I say, it's a great compliment " "Not at all!" "A great compliment " "No, no!" murmured Ramsden obsequiously. "I wish you wouldn't interrupt!" snapped Eunice with irritation.

"Ellen Bean Ramsden." "The best china, Mason, and a teapot for two!" was Miss Briskett's order on receipt of this cordial response, and an hour later the two ladies sat in conclave over a daintily-spread table in the drawing-room of The Nook.

Now then, this way," said the master sternly; and he led them to the quarter-deck, where the captain was standing, with a couple of the officers by his side, and, a little distance in front, Ramsden, the sinister-looking seaman who, since the night they were pressed, had always seemed to bear the two Bristolians ill-will.