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He had told Mildred that he was sick of being pestered, and she had better take herself off and not bother him again. "It was the only thing he could do," said Ramsden. "It was getting a bit too thick." "Is it all over then?" asked Philip. "Oh, he hasn't seen her for ten days. You know, Harry's wonderful at dropping people.

And Cornelia answered fully on all these points, not always, it is to be feared, with a strict regard to veracity, but with a praiseworthy desire to soothe, which was blessed with wonderful success. Mrs Ramsden dried her eyes, and opined that life was full of blessings, and that she ought to be thankful that things were no worse!

It seemed as if he would never have a chance to speak to Jem about what had passed; but at last Ramsden went below, and after a little inquiry Don learned that Jem was aloft in the foretop, helping a couple more men at repairing some of the toggles and reef points of a sail.

Before they could have further speech George Perkins and little Wilberforce ambled in a bloated way out of the clubhouse. "I've had three ginger ales," observed the boy. "Where do we go from here?" "Our honour," said Ramsden. "Shoot!" Eunice took out her driver without a word. Her little figure was tense with emotion.

She swung vigorously, and pulled the ball far out on to the fairway of the ninth hole. "Even off the tee," said Ramsden, "you had better use an iron. You must keep 'em straight." Their eyes met. Hers were glittering with the fury of a woman scorned. His were cold and hard. And, suddenly, as she looked at his awful, pale, set golf face, something seemed to snap in Eunice.

I am told that Sir Timothy Beeswax intends to speak and vote against the amendments." "What, Sir Timothy on one side, and Sir Gregory on the other?" "So Lord Ramsden tells me," said the Duke. "If it be so, what are we to do?" "Certainly not go out in August," said Mr. Monk.

"I'm a born sportsman, Miss Ramsden, and I'll never be anything else. I'd like to give up everything you dislike, but it's no use swearing against one's convictions. It's not honest, and it doesn't last, but I can promise you always to play straight, and to keep down the stakes so that I shall never run the risk of losing so much again."

To Ramsden Waters it had the aspect of a formal invitation. For one moment his number II golf shoe, as supplied to all the leading professionals, wavered in mid-air, then crashed home. Eunice screamed. "How dare you kick my brother!" Ramsden faced her, stern and pale. "Madam," he said, "in similar circumstances I would have kicked the Archangel Gabriel!"

Ramsden, who had been summoned to attend poor Mr Spinney, was her sole confidant, and readily entered into a scheme which was pleasing to his mistress, and promised revenge for the treatment he had received; and which, as Miss Dragwell declared, would be nothing but retributive justice upon Mrs Forster.

You thought Elma Ramsden the sweetest thing, and were all fired up to help her, but when you looked at me you were bursting with pride and prejudice. Why was that, I want to know?" "You have answered yourself. Prejudice a blind, ignorant prejudice, of which I am ashamed; and pride wounded pride, because you attempted to lay down the law! Don't judge me by that unfortunate beginning, Miss Briskett.