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Updated: August 7, 2024

Rallywood glanced down into the shallow grave; a lump of frosty earth slipped from the rugged heap above and settled into a crevice of the cloak that covered Colendorp. 'My men are burying him. 'By your orders, my lord? 'By my orders. Can you suggest a better use to make of a dead man? 'No, my lord, but a better manner of burial. 'Dismount and see for yourself.

'I will expect you, promised Valerie. They both knew that for the moment they stood together at one of those cross-roads where life and death meet, where moreover a look and a word convey a mutual revelation of character such as years of ordinary intercourse often fail to supply. Rallywood did not dance again; he contented himself with following the movements of the black domino.

I do not mean to drop him because he talked all that nonsense at Kofn Ford. You boasted about M. Selpdorf's power make him use it now to save Rallywood. I begin to believe that you are really as cold as you pretend to be, Valerie, you care so little! Whereas I, in spite of all that has happened, would serve him if I could. 'I shall see my father when I return to-night, I promise you.

There are women who will sacrifice the most sacred things, God's word itself, on the altar of their vanity. Isolde withdrew her slight hand from his touch, but it was the withdrawal that invites advance. She hesitated no longer. 'There are other eyes whose tears will be bitterer than mine; are you not jealous of them? I am sorry for Captain Rallywood, of course, but poor Valerie what am I saying?

Rallywood made a sign of dissent. 'But surely you will not side with Sagan's party as against the Duke? urged Counsellor. 'The Duke has been known to change his mind before now. Counsellor bit savagely at his moustache. The minutes were flying. 'I wonder if old Gustave has allowed himself to be humbugged yet once more! he said to himself.

The future which lay before Rallywood on that winter evening was not enlivening. Less than three months ago he would have been half amused at such a conclusion to his military life as offering an answer to a perplexed question. But since then much had happened.

'Knowing so many of our peculiarities, perhaps Captain Rallywood may no longer care to join us? said the Guardsman. Rallywood laughed with absolute good-humour. 'I both care and dare! he said pleasantly. Unziar's face cleared. 'I am forgetting my errand, he said with a slight change of tone. 'I have been sent by a lady to bring you to her. Will you follow me?

South Africa's still in the bud, you see. 'Yes, but it is a biggish bud and will take time to blow. You can afford to wait and it may be worth your while. Rallywood threw a swift glance at Counsellor's inscrutable face. 'Seven years ago, he said in a deliberate manner, 'you told me it was worth while, but life has not grown more interesting since then.

Has not some writer said that it is the man that makes the oath believed, not the oath the man? 'I have taken the soldier's oath, repeated Rallywood. But he had no protestation of fidelity to offer. It rested with Selpdorf to choose the right man for his mission. If personal inclination had had any part in the Chancellor's plan of life, it is certain he would have liked Rallywood.

'You have seen the Chancellor? asked Counsellor, looking hard at Rallywood, whose brown face wore a look he had never seen upon it before. 'Why was I released? Am I already too late? 'No, you are not too late. You must see the Duke at once. Here are your despatches. Good-bye, Major, I'll meet you presently. 'I shall not in all probability see Duke Gustave again. My part is over and done with.

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