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On one side the lines of the railway track ran up a curving incline into the Kofn Hills, where, five miles away at the bleak Frontier station, officials, imposingly uniformed, parade the platforms, examine the baggage, and demand passports in a manner calculated to impress the traveller with an idea of the immense resources of the State of Maäsau. That is one part of their duties.

He must leave that to those whom he is pledged to obey and with whom rests the ultimate responsibility. A soldier's single duty is blind obedience. Rallywood bowed and continued to await his orders in silence. 'That is well. I am about to send you to Kofn Ford, where you will meet the midnight mail from the Frontier.

And nowhere is its influence more unpleasantly felt than in the capital, Révonde, which stands shoulder-on to the hustling gales, its stately frontages and noble quays stretching out westwards along the shores of the Kofn almost to where the yellow waters of the river spread fan-wise into a grey-green sea.

So we shall see. 'I wonder, said Rallywood after a pause, 'where you get your impressions from, Mademoiselle? 'I see like other people. We all form our judgments on what we see and know! 'What do you know, for instance? 'I heard of you when you were at Kofn Ford, near the Castle of Sagan, she answered.

While these things passed through her thoughts her eyes were still fixed upon the blue plume of smoke that rose and melted over Kofn Ford, for its position indicated the whereabouts of the block-house used by the Frontier Patrol, and there Rallywood had lived during the early part of his acquaintance with Isolde.

There was a rush and a scuffle, but Rallywood was young and strong and more active than the Major. 'Confound you! Counsellor fell back a step or two, breathing hard. There are some situations which by their elemental force destroy all other emotions. The situation at Kofn guard-house was one of these. The point at issue between these two men pierced to the bed-rock of national loyalty.

Only the patrols, and the trains and the smugglers, with a boar or two in the forests beside the Kofn, and the ragged wolf-packs that go howling by the guard-houses at the first powdering of snow. From the past his mind naturally ran on to thoughts of Valerie thoughts that were hopeless and happy at the same time.

'Captain Rallywood, I want to thank you. I can never thank you enough for that night at Kofn Ford. I understood pray believe I understood it and I think you are the noblest gentleman alive! Rallywood did not hesitate. There was one thing Valerie should know and be certain of in the uncertain future. 'Give me a moment, Mademoiselle, he exclaimed, detaining her. 'I see you do not quite understand.

Eheu! the bitter lesson of vain desire. Between Rallywood and the Ford the Kofn widened out into a big bay-like reach, upon the further shore of which the trees gathered thickly, their bare branches overhanging the water. On the nearer side ragged-headed pines stood in sparse groups, and amongst their lofty upright stems Rallywood presently became aware that a strange scene was in progress.

Anthony's Cloister looks inward towards a quadrangle; the outer side bordering the river has been glazed in, but in the interval of waiting Rallywood could hear the water plashing and sobbing against the foundations of the old walls, and the wild sound of the tsa, sweeping down from the snowy frontier above Kofn Ford, as it wailed and howled drearily along the dark waters.