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Rallywood was only human, and however moderately he may have returned Madame de Sagan's preference, he was fully aware of its existence. In those days on the frontier he had, rather from fastidiousness than principle perhaps, avoided her and her invitations whenever possible. But that was one thing; it was another to hear the matter coolly alluded to by the girl beside him.

'She is pretty, replied Rallywood, 'but there are a good many people in Maäsau who think her handsomer than I do. 'Yet you tell me that you are again on your way to her house this evening. Can't you get through the day without a glimpse of her? 'Does it seem so bad as all that? asked Rallywood reflectively.

'No, I suppose not, he said drearily. 'You spoke openly of your hope to be maid of honour to Madame de Sagan when she became Duchess of Maäsau which can only mean one thing. Rallywood heard and told me exactly. 'You discussed me with Captain Rallywood? she flashed out. Unziar's glance darkened again with a new suspicion. 'Should you object? he asked. 'As it happens, I should, particularly.

The gloom and the snow had obliterated all trace of the sleigh, and at last Rallywood himself, well as he knew the country, became bewildered; but luckily the horse he rode was a charger he had had with him on the Frontier. He left it to choose its own direction, yet it was long before a blur of light which he knew to be the open doorway of the block-house grew out on the shifting darkness.

I want to help you you must let me help you! Rallywood laughed, but perhaps his arm drew her a little closer as they moved more slowly during the concluding bars of the waltz. 'My dear Mademoiselle, I assure you that your fears are quite groundless. I am proud to belong to the Guard of Maäsau, and they have so far shown no intention of rejecting me.

'It is nothing to me who picks up what I have thrown away. With this rebuff to Rallywood she placed her hand upon the German's, as if to ask him to lead her from the room, and added 'You wish for an introduction? Then allow me to present you to each other. His excellency the Baron von Elmur. She paused, and her eyes dwelt for a moment on Rallywood's.

'Diplomacy was never meant, she said, looking frowningly at him through her black lashes, 'never meant to be a private virtue. Its only excuse lies in a national necessity. 'M. Selpdorf instructed me to avoid a quarrel, rejoined Rallywood. 'What do you suppose he meant, she asked bitterly, 'knowing you had to deal with the Guard?

Pray tell his Highness that in the course of an hour or two we hope to be able to tell him where our man has got to. His absence is doubtless due to some trifling cause. As Rallywood retired Sagan cast a comprehensive glance around the tables, and noted Counsellor's absence with a sinister satisfaction.

'Shoot them down! shouted Sagan, but the words were still on his lips when the door behind John Rallywood slowly opened and a figure stood beside him. Its appearance checked the rising struggle, for the figure was the figure of the Grand Duke of Maäsau. He was wrapped in his hooded robe of green velvet, and the five points of the golden star of Maäsau blazed upon his breast.

At the same time he had no intention of putting out his hand to save Rallywood, whose disappearance from the scheme of earthly affairs would remove an awkward cause of disagreement from the range of his own family circle.