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'I was not prepared to see you this evening, began Selpdorf. 'I have brought the despatches, your Excellency, replied Rallywood, taking the packet from his pocket but continuing to hold it in his hand. Selpdorf eyed him. 'From whom? 'Lieutenant Unziar. The affair was falling out in an unexpected manner.

'It strikes me, my boy, that you've got the devil by the tail this time, he said gruffly, as his eyes rested for a moment on Rallywood; 'but you know how to take care of yourself. Ready? We can drive to the Palace together. I have a carriage waiting. The couple proceeded downstairs, bought cigarettes of the waiter, and started.

A few troopers, their cloaks flapping in the wind, were galloping across the square on the way to relieve guard at the Palace, and under the statue of the late Grand Duke on horseback three men in tall hats stood talking together; then they turned and walked towards the club. 'Know them? asked Counsellor. Rallywood shook his head.

'Yes, his affairs came to an impossible pass, perhaps. For the rest, this seems to me less like Colendorp's secret than the secret of some other man. Rallywood met the red eye full of smouldering wrath. 'Pardon me, my lord, but in the name of the Guard, I protest against burial of Captain Colendorp in this place. 'I have given my orders, answered Sagan.

'Stop! Rallywood cut her short with a peremptory word, 'I will not allow you to say such things of yourself nor of me! Valerie threw back her head with the slight haughty lift he knew so well. 'You are rather too certain of your own power, she said. 'You say you remember that night? not so well as I do? You think I am very sure of myself.

The tide of dancers still swept backwards and forwards as Madame de Sagan idly observed them, until her glance chanced to fall upon the opposite couple at the further end of the saloon. Something in Valerie's air fixed her wandering attention at once with a little shock. What was Rallywood saying to her? And where was Anthony Unziar?

The troopers had dispersed, some to warn the coming train, others to arrange for the removal of the carriage from the track. Counsellor had his foot in the stirrup, and with difficulty Rallywood got him up into the saddle. 'Thirty miles, but you cannot ride there to-night, answered Rallywood. 'With your help I'll beat them yet, John! Thirty miles? I'll be there before daylight!

'Gentlemen, said Wallenloup at length, when his last remark had been received with approval, 'I have the honour to inform you that M. Selpdorf has seen fit to appoint, vice Captain Insermann, deceased, Lieutenant John Rallywood, of the Frontier Cavalry. A silence followed this announcement. 'Upon whose recommendation has M. Selpdorf taken this step? inquired Captain Colendorp gravely.

'And yet, John, I have one thing left to live for. I will live to see your name stand where it should. For men like you are only understood and honoured afterwards, she said presently. Another man might have disclaimed all praise. Rallywood, who believed he deserved none, kept silence. He knew that to deny would be to wound.

'And I will assure M. Selpdorf that I am accustomed to make up my own mind! You know it already, Selpdorf! 'I have always known it, sire, said the supple Chancellor. 'You will hear my reasons? asked Sagan angrily. The Duke nodded. 'Captain Rallywood was guilty of gross disobedience of orders.