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Updated: August 20, 2024

Nevertheless, I doubt if there is much in the mystery worthy of a connoisseur's attention. It strikes me as smacking of the made-up, the theatric; it has something of the air commercial about it an advertisement, perhaps." "Nonsense!" I retorted, warmly. "Well, let the event decide. The cab's number did you note it?" "No." "It was No. 872," said Indiman. The Philadelphia Quizzing-Glass

And where are their fine ladies, Sir George? Still primping at the mirror? Oh, la!" She stepped back, laughing, raising her lovely arms a little. "Look at me. Am I well laced, with nobody to aid me save Cecile, poor child, and Benny to hold the candles he being young enough for the office?" "Happy, happy Benny!" murmured Sir George, inspecting her through his quizzing-glass from head to toe.

She bought, indeed, with liberality, but her manner of studying us through a quizzing-glass, and playing cicerone to her followers, acquitted us of any gratitude. She had a tail behind her of heavy, obsequious old gentlemen, or dull, giggling misses, to whom she appeared to be an oracle. "This one can really carve prettily: is he not a quiz with his big whiskers?" she would say.

It was just outside of my prison wall, and bright as the sun. The first thing I remember, even before my wings had opened wide, or I was half through stretching my feet to see if I could use them in climbing, there was a great eye looking at me. Something round was before it, with a handle. I suppose it was a quizzing-glass to see what I was about.

Each dandy had his badine upon whose nice conduct he prided himself; the toothpick was as omnipresent as the crutch, nor was the 'quizzing-glass' quite absent.

"While you have been laid up," he began, "I have been amusing myself with a little theory building. I had taken the liberty to sequestrate the remarkable phonographic apparatus of your quondam friend Dr. Gonzales; in fact, I carried it away in the same carriage with your honorable self from the house of the Philadelphia 'quizzing-glass. The police didn't notice that was all. "Dr.

They were in the habit, it seems, of changing it from one to another, as if it had been a pair of spectacles, or which would have suited them better quizzing-glass.

They were in the habit, it seems, of changing it from one to another, as if it had been a pair of spectacles or which would have suited them better a quizzing-glass.

"Oh, 'Sbud! not so much as the mercy of a glance will the lady afford him." And he burst into the ballad of King Francis: "Souvent femme varie, Bien, fol est qui s'y fie!" and laughed his prodigious delight at the aptness of his quotation. Mr. Caryll put up his gold-rimmed quizzing-glass, and directed through that powerful weapon of offence an eye of supreme displeasure upon the singer.

Approaching the window in trepidation for her ladyship's wrath was impartial, and as often alighted on the wrong head as the right the tutor saw that she had dropped her quizzing-glass, and was striving with shaking hands but without averting her eyes from the scene outside to recover and readjust it.

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