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Updated: August 12, 2024

He was speaking to her with the calmness of a leave-taking in the pressroom the serenity that overlies the greatest awe and agony of which human nature is capable. "I am glad to see you, Bale," she began, hardly knowing what she said, and she stopped short. "You are come, it turns out, on a sad mission," he resumed; "you find all about to change. Poor Janet! it is a blow to her.

Ellis's plan offered perfect protection if there was enough material to build the fortification. The entire pressroom force was at once set to work, and in half an hour the delicate and costly mechanism was protected behind an impenetrable barrier which shut it off from view except at the south end. The supply of rolls had fallen a little short.

The moment they give us the current we're ready to run." Patsy straightened up with a sigh of relief, then gave a low cry as the screens of the two windows of the pressroom were smashed in and through the openings men began to tumble into the room. At once Hetty confronted them with leveled revolver and the sight caused them to hesitate.

He knows every one by their given name, from Jo, the boss of the pressroom, to the Chief, who imports his office coats from London. Besides, Blackie and I are newspaper men. And people don't scrape and bow in a newspaper office especially when they're fond of one another. You wouldn't understand."

Hal had to make his own statement, not alone for the "Clarion," but for the other newspapers, whose representatives came seeking news and also what both surprised and touched him bearing messages of sympathy and congratulation, and offers of any help which they could extend from men to pressroom accommodations.

Jimmy heard Hite's voice faintly; the city editor was giving orders to the pressroom that would stop the presses. For the next fifteen minutes there would be feverish but orderly activity. "All right, Jimmy, just gimme the flash so I'll have enough for a head; the copy desk's all gone. Then I'll put you on Roy's wire and you can give him the story."

I sent the foreman of the pressroom out for a bottle of fizz. Sarsaparilla was the nearest he could come to it, but it went. Then I turned my hot young blood loose on the editorial page.

Hetty was talkative enough, at times, and so was Thursday Smith, when the humor seized him; but when they were together they said very little. The artist would stroll into the pressroom after the compositors had finished their tasks and watch the man make up the forms, lock them, place them on the press and run off the edition.

But in a strewn circle, outside, lay rent corpses, and the wounded pitifully striving to crawl from that shambles. With the steadiness which comes to nerves racked to the point of collapse, Hal made the rounds of the building. Two men in the pressroom were slightly hurt. Their fellows would look after them. Wayne, with his men, was already in the street, combining professional duty with first aid.

Blackie sold papers on a down-town corner when he was a baby six years old. Then he got a job as office boy here, and he used to sharpen pencils, and run errands, and carry copy. After office hours he took care of some horses in an alley barn near by, and after that work was done he was employed about the pressroom of one of the old German newspaper offices.

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