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"But However, since you are so good if she will promise to be very careful " "Oh yes, yes, Aunt Barbara!" "I make myself responsible," said Lord de la Poer. "Now, young woman, run off and get the hat; we have no time to lose."

After hiding a month in shyest shade, the pair of happy sinners had wandered forth one day to look on men and marvel at them, and had chanced to meet Mr. Morton of Poer Hall, Austin Wentworth's friend, and Ralph's uncle. Mr.

The child's honourable feelings would not allow her to listen, and she came forward, and accused herself, not you!" "Before Lord de la Poer! Giles, how could you allow it?" cried Lady Barbara, confounded. "That whole family will tell the story, and she will be marked for ever!" "De la Poer has some knowledge of child nature," said the Colonel, slightly smiling.

It was so exceedingly comical, that she went off into fits of laughing, in which she was heartily joined by all the merry party. "There," said Lord de la Poer, "do you want to know what your Uncle Giles is like? you've only to look at yourself See, Barbara, is it not a capital likeness?"

Lady de la Poer meantime was helping her to dress, as readily as Josephine herself could have done, and brushing out the hair, which was still damp. Kate presently asked where the old lady was. "She had to go back as soon as the rain was over, to look after a nephew and niece, who are spending the day with her. She said she would look for our party, and tell them how we were getting on."

I will have you for once shut up there with the ladies Rechenmeister, Rosentaler, Gaertner, Schutz, and Poer, and many others whom for shortness I will not name; they must deal with you. People enquire more after me than you, for you yourself write that both girls and honourable wives ask after me that is a sign of my virtue.

Lord de la Poer picked her up, and sat down on the stairs with her between his knees to look her over and see whether she were hurt, or what was the matter, while she stood half sobbing with the fright and shock. He asked his son rather severely what he had been doing to her. "He did nothing," gasped Kate; "I was only Hermione."

"Marriage and smiling babes she would have in abundance, if Brawnley legislated. Wait till you know him. He will be over at Poer Hall shortly, and you will see what a Man of the Age means. But now, pray, consult with me about these boys." "Oh, those boys!" Adrian tossed a hand. "Are there boys of the Age as well as men? Not? Then boys are better than men: boys are for all Ages.

He pretends that Ledred tacitly acknowledged his guilt in the affair of Le Poer, since he sued for pardon to the king, as though readers of English history did not constantly meet with instances of innocent men compelled to sue for pardon of crimes which they had never committed.

That is the great thing, after all, that would hinder things from being horrid!" said Lady de la Poer, with a pleasant smile, just as a knock came to the door, and the maid announced that it was five o'clock, and Miss's things were quite ready; and in return she was thanked, and desired to bring them up. "Miss!" said Kate, rather hurt: "don't they know who we are?"