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Holloway abruptly began, as soon as Howard came up to him: "Howard," said he, "you know this plaguy lottery business but you don't know half yet: here's Carat come to be paid for his tickets; and here's that dunning stage-coachman sticks close to me for his five guineas; and not one farthing have I upon earth." "Not a farthing! but you don't mean that you have not the money for Mr. Carat?"

I know if a fellow is low down and fires stones and calls names and all like that, even still he can get to be a scout. But if he steals-jiminy, I've got no use for a fellow that steals. A plaguy lot I care about two bucks, but, oh, boy, I was looking forward to that meeting and how we were going to have Skinny all decorated and present him to the Elks.

Well he fairly turned Sall's head; the more we wanted her to give him up the more she would'nt, and we got plaguy oneasy about it, for his character was none of the best.

"You may, you may," he assented, and then as the barber made to depart, Villon's mood changed and he caught him by the sleeve and drew him confidentially toward him. "Stay one moment," he murmured. "You know this plaguy memory of mine what a forgetful fellow I am. Would you mind telling me again who I happen to be?"

I asked one of the fellows for Bert Winton, and he came around from behind the cabin where he was spearing papers and leaves. I said, "You fellows ought to be called the gold dust twins, your two patrols I mean, because you're so plaguy particular picking up leaves and everything. You'll be dusting the roof next." He said, "We're a lot of old maids up here."

It may he actin', but if it is, it's plaguy good actin', I tell you. "I'm a thinkin' it tante a rael gentleman that's proud, but only a hop. You've seen a hop grow, hante you? It shoots up in a night, the matter of several inches right out of the ground, as stiff as a poker, straight up and down, with a spick and span new green coat and a red nose, as proud as Lucifer.

'Thou meanest Ipocrasso and Avicenna. 'I' faith, answered Bruno, 'I know not; I understand your names as ill as you do mine; but Dolladoxy in the Grand Cham's lingo meaneth as much as to say Empress in our tongue. Egad, you would think her a plaguy fine woman! I dare well say she would make you forget your drugs and your clysters and all your plasters.

If the lady be but half the saint that fool Chatellerault has painted her, so much the better for my children; if not, so much the worse. There is the dawn, Mironsac, and it is time we were abed. Let us drive these plaguy gamesters home."

I satisfied him on that point by saying that he could speak no language but the German and English. "I'm plaguy glad o' dat," said the cook. "I was mighty 'fraid he was a Fin. I tell you what, I been plaguy civil to that man all the voyage." I asked him the reason of this, and found that he was fully possessed with the notion that Fins are wizards, and especially have power over winds and storms.

Lord, Jack, so much delight do I take in my contrivances, that I shall be half sorry when the occasion for them is over; for never, never, shall I again have such charming exercise for my invention. Mean time these plaguy women are so impertinent, so full of reproaches, that I know not how to do any thing but curse them.