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His chief friends were a Mrs. Boinville, for whom he conceived an enthusiastic admiration, and her daughter Cornelia, married to a vegetarian, Mr. Newton. In order to be near them he had moved to Pimlico; and his next move, from London to a cottage named High Elms, at Bracknell, in Berkshire, had the same object. With Godwin and his family he was also on terms of familiar intercourse.

Ludgate endured, for the sake of outshining Mr. and Mrs. Pimlico. It happened that one night, at a party, Mrs. Ludgate caught a violent cold, and her face became inflamed and disfigured by red spots. Being to go to a ball in a few days, she was very impatient to get rid of the eruption; and in this exigency she applied to Mr.

Northcote's pictures to the new church at Pimlico, built by Mr. Hakewill, and to the chapel built by Mr. Cockerell, in the upper part of Regent-street. A very valuable musical manuscript, by Guillaume de Machault, who was valet de chambre to Phillippe-le-Bel, in 1307, has been discovered in the royal library at Paris.

'Debating' is the best that can be done and appreciated by so abstemious a generation as ours. You will find a very decent level of 'debating' in the Oxford Union, in the Balham Ethical Society, in the Pimlico Parliament, and elsewhere. But not, I regret to say, in the House of Commons.

He called, as it were accidentally, a little while afterwards, and I was not far behind him. The surgeon did his duty, and they escaped. In May, 1820, I attended on a bitch at Pimlico. She had snapped at the owner, bitten the man-servant and several dogs, was eagerly watching imaginary objects, and had the peculiar rabid howl. I offered her water.

In any other locality, the sight of a man in evening dress, with prosperity written all over him, accompanying a shabbily-dressed girl, as Mavis then was, in her shopping, would have excited comment; but in Pimlico, anything of this nature was not considered at all out of the way. Windebank, loaded with parcels, accompanied Mavis to the door of her lodging.

It got so the ginnies would line up in a bunch, every time he starts, 'n' holler: 'They're off there he goes! They does it regular, 'n' pretty soon the crowds get next 'n' then everybody does it. He begins to stale off at Pimlico, so I ships him to Miss Goodloe, 'n' writes her to turn him out fur three or four months.

How many guineas may be spent upon 'tis but, in the course of one year, in such a city as London! Bargains! excellent bargains! were also with our heroine admirable pleas for expense. "We positively must buy this, my dear; for it would be a sin to let such a bargain slip through one's fingers. Mrs. Pimlico paid twice as much for what is not half as good.

It was remarked that even the coulis de dindonneau made no impression on Bagnigge that night. The sensation produced by the debut of Amethyst Pimlico at the court of the sovereign, and in the salons of the beau-monde, was such as has seldom been created by the appearance of any other beauty. The men were raving with love, and the women with jealousy.

"Well?" asked Mavis breathlessly, when he had satisfied himself of its condition. "I must ask you a few questions," replied the doctor. "What do you wish to know?" she asked with anxious heart. He asked her much about the baby's place of birth, subsequent health and diet. When Mavis told him of the Pimlico supplied milk, which she had sterilised herself, he shook his head.