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And separating from Parravicin, he formed some excuse for quitting the royal presence. About an hour afterwards, Pillichody sought out Blaize, and told him, with a very mysterious air, that he had something to confide to him. "You know my regard for the Earl of Rochester and Sir Paul Parravicin," he said, "and that I would do anything an honourable man ought to do to assist them.

Suffering himself to be drawn along, and closely followed by Nizza Macascree and Mrs. Buscot, Leonard crossed the dining-chamber, not without stumbling against some of the furniture by the way, and through an open window into the court, where he found Blaize awaiting him. Without waiting for thanks, Pillichody then disappeared, and Mrs.

As he spoke, his arms were suddenly seized by a powerful grasp from behind, and, striking the pistols from his hold, the earl snatched up Amabel in his arms, and, mounting the ladder, made good his retreat. A long and desperate struggle took place between Leonard and his assailant, who was no other than Pillichody, in his assumed character of Bernard Boutefeu.

Readily assenting to the proposition, Blaize obtained the key of the cellar from the butler, and adjourning thither with Pillichody, they seated themselves on a cask with a bottle of sack and a couple of large glasses on a stool between them. "I suppose you know why I am come hither?" observed the major, smacking his lips after his second bumper. "Not precisely," replied Blaize.

At first she hoped it might prove a rescue; but she was quickly undeceived. The shawl was removed, and she beheld the Earl of Rochester, accompanied by Pillichody, and some half-dozen mounted attendants. The earl would have transferred her to his own steed, but she offered such determined resistance to the arrangement, that he was compelled to content himself with riding by her aide.

Pillichody, meanwhile, had retired with a discomfited air into a corner, where he seated himself on a stool, and eyed the porter askance, as if meditating some terrible retaliation. Secretly apprehensive of this, and thinking it becoming to act with generosity towards his foe, Blaize marched up to him, and extended his hand in token of reconciliation.

"But you don't appear to relish the jest," rejoined Parravicin, sneeringly. "Oh, yes, I relish it exceedingly," replied Pillichody; "her husband ha! ha! and Disbrowe is the disappointed lover capital! But here we are and I wish we were anywhere else," he added to himself. "Are you sure you are right?" asked Parravicin, searching for the key. "Quite sure," returned Pillichody.

Why did he not come with you?" "Alas!" replied Pillichody, shaking his head in a melancholy manner, "he could not." "Could not!" half screamed Patience. "Why not?" "Do not question me," replied Pillichody, feigning to brush away a tear. "He was my friend, and I would rather banish him from my memory. The sight of your beauty transports me so, that, by the treasures of Croesus!

"As an accomplice in my daughter's abduction," replied Bloundel. "Here, Blaize Stephen, hold him while I call the watch. This is a most mysterious affair, but I will soon get at the bottom of it." By the grocer's directions, Pillichody, who very quietly entered the house, and surrendered his halberd to Blaize, was taken to the kitchen.

"Don't talk of the plague, I beseech you," replied Blaize, with a shudder. "It is a subject never mentioned here." "I am sorry I alluded to it, then," rejoined Pillichody. "Give me back my sword. Nay, fear nothing. I entirely forgive you, and am willing to drown the remembrance of our quarrel in a bottle of sack."