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On the honour of a soldier, I am sorry for the wrong I have done you, and will strive to repair it." "Repair it!" shrieked Disbrowe. "It is too late." And seizing the major's arm, he dragged him by main force into the alley. "Help! help!" roared Pillichody. "Would you murder me?"

And twining his arms round Nizza, notwithstanding her shrieks and resistance, he bore her away. Infuriated by the sight, Leonard Holt threw himself upon Pillichody, and a desperate struggle took place between them, which terminated this time successfully for the apprentice.

Pillichody then hurried upstairs, while Blaize shouted after him, "Don't touch him, Master Stephen. He has got the plague! he has got the plague!" Alarmed by this outcry, Stephen suffered Pillichody to pass; and the latter, darting across the yard, mounted the rope-ladder, and quickly disappeared.

How is that peerless kitchen-maiden? By the god of love! I am dying to behold her again." "Patience is well enough, for aught I know," replied Blaize, in a surly tone. "But it is useless for you to think of her. She is betrothed to me." "I know it," replied Pillichody; "but do not suppose you are the sole master of her affections. The little charmer has too good taste for that.

Leonard Holt having departed, Pillichody was preparing to make good his retreat, when he was prevented by Blaize, who, hearing a noise in the yard, peeped cautiously out at the back-door, and inquired who was there? "Are you Mr. Bloundel?" rejoined Pillichody, bethinking him of a plan to turn the tables upon the apprentice. "No, I am his porter," replied the other.

"Strange!" cried Etherege; "I begin to think the place is enchanted." "It would seem so, indeed," replied Rochester. While they were thus conversing, Pillichody, who was leaning against a column, with his eye fixed upon the door leading to Saint Faith's, observed it open, and the apprentice issue from it accompanied by two masked females.

"There you are wrong, Captain Disbrowe," returned Pillichody, in a supplicatory tone. "On my soul, you are! That was his own idea entirely." "The excuse shall not avail you," cried Disbrowe, fiercely. "To you I owe all my misery. Draw and defend yourself." "Be not so hasty, captain," cried Pillichody, abjectedly. "I have injured you sufficiently already. I would not have your blood on my head.

"I fancy so," replied Blaize, "but she certainly gives him no encouragement." "Confirmation!" exclaimed Pillichody. "But fill your glass. We will drink to the earl's speedy union with Amabel." "Not so loud," cried Blaize, looking uneasily round the cellar. "I should not like Leonard to overhear us." "Neither should I," returned Pillichody, "for I have something to say to you respecting him."

"It is false," cried Bloundel, "as false as the character you just personated, for I recognise you as the knave who recently appeared before me as a watchman." "I pledge you my word as a nobleman," interposed Rochester, "that your daughter has just descended to Saint Faith's with your apprentice." "I can corroborate his lordship's assertion," said Etherege. "And I," added Pillichody.

"You, sweetheart!" exclaimed Pillichody. "I will take care of you. You shall be my housekeeper." "Hold!" cried Blaize. "I cannot admit that. Patience and I are engaged." "Since you are promoted to such an important situation, you can make a better match," observed Patience. "I release you from the engagement."