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We came to Linne at night, and stopped at the house of a kinsman of Robert Pike's, a man of some substance and note in that settlement. We were tired and hungry, and the supper of warm Indian bread and sweet milk relished quite as well as any I ever ate in the Old Country. The next day we went on over a rough road to Wenham, through Salem, which is quite a pleasant town.

See also J.S. Pike's New Puritan, New York, 1879; Hallowell's Pioneer Quakers, Boston, 1887; and his Quaker Invasion of Massachusetts, Boston, 1883; Brooks Adams, The Emancipation of Massachusetts, Boston, 1887; Ellis, The Puritan Age and Rule, Boston, 1888.

He stood on him and started to eat him. All he thinks of is eatin' up something. It wa'n't fair." Hiram caressed the bleeding head of P.T. with quivering hand. "Fair!" sneered Reeves. "You're talkin' as though this was a prize-fight for the championship of the world! My I mean, Mis' Pike's rooster licked, didn't he? Well, when a rooster's licked, he's licked, and there ain't nothin' more to it."

Here the great Cordillera spread out into numerous distinct branches or "Sierras," over which tower those noted landmarks of the prairie traveller, "Pike's" and "Long's" Peaks, and the "Wa-to-ya" or "Cumbres Espanolas"; projected far above their fellows, and rising thousands of feet into the region of eternal snow.

The steward has raised the hypothesis that, first of all, there were extra stores left over from the previous voyage, or from previous voyages, and, next, that the stealing of these stores must have taken place during the night-watches when it was Mr. Pike's turn below.

While eating and during the early evening, talking, story telling and ironical remarks about the prolonged picnic as the trip was called were indulged in. We were now on the main route of travel between the East and the Pike's Peak gold fields.

The expedition occasionally encountered parties of Indians. The savages were nominally at peace with the whites, and although even at this time they occasionally murdered some solitary trapper or trader, they did not dare meddle with Pike's well armed and well prepared soldiers, confining themselves to provocation that just fell short of causing conflict.

A little after eight o'clock he arrived in Branchville, found James Pike's real-estate office ablaze with light, and walked in on that busy gentleman, who rose in excitement to grasp him by the hand. "You got my wire?" demanded Mr. Pike. "I'm awful glad you came. I turned up something in the Hardy case that I think you ought to know.

They alone made her coming life seem like one eternal school, with the committee ever on the platform, and no recess. But she worked very meekly and soberly, and Jethro took off his coat and helped her; then, just before twelve, they washed their hands and went across the orchard to Mrs. Pike's. The rest of the day seemed to Dilly like a confused though not an unfamiliar dream.

Towards such a conclusion, serviceable contributions were made many years since, by three American cosmologists, Norton, Pliny Chase, and Kirkwood. The 320th asteroid was discovered at Pike's Peak observatory, during last summer. I may jot down here too, the record of the first observation of a new telescopic comet, last month, by a senior student of Bryn Mawr College for Women.