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This he adjusted with his picker, taking care that a portion of it should pass into the touch-hole, and communicate with the charge inside. The steel was then returned to its place, and the flint duly looked to. Its state of firmness was felt, its edge examined. Both appeared to be satisfactory, so the piece was once more brought to its rest in the fork of the branch.

The clump of esparto, into the bottom of which he must reach to cut the mature stalks, is quite likely to be the lair of a poisonous viper; and if the reptile sinks its fangs into the flesh of the unfortunate picker, long weeks of suffering and disability perhaps death are in store for him. Between the bite of a rattler and that of an esparto viper there is little to choose.

"If you know aught of locks, you will know that the mechanism which this unlooses is beyond the cunning of a picker of locks. It guards the vitals of the instrument from crafty tampering. Without it an enemy must half wreck the device to reach its heart, leaving his handiwork apparent to the most casual observer."

More nearly six pence! If I could only bring myself to deal in such merchandise! If I were only a good rag picker, instead of a bad poet!" And Straws walked away, forgetting the questions he had asked in his own more interesting cogitations.

"Straight goods," says I. "That's Hermes the lobster picker." "That!" says Mildred, shrinkin' back. "Never!" "Huh!" says I. "I told him you wouldn't know him if he didn't keep that face cavity of his closed. He's been doin' that since eight o'clock. But he's the real article, serial number guaranteed by Uncle Jerry." "No, no!" squeals Mildred, covering her face with her hands and backin' away.

The detail work about her place such as setting out the fruit boxes, selecting the moment when apricots or pears were ripe for the picking, seeing that the trees, her permanent investment, were not injured by wagon or picker, keeping her own accounts in balance with those of Judge Tiffany these and a hundred other little things she did herself and did them well.

I hope that stock of bad oil which they have is not used up, because I do not want the church to be well-lighted." "How is that?" "How is that?" she said in a grieved tone. "People might take you for a rag picker." Her father was not a bit angry at her for saying this. She knew it, hence her boldness.

When it comes to men, I'm a pretty good picker. That's the reason I have kept out of jail so long. I either pick a square one or I work alone." "Thanks," said Jimmy, "but how do you know that after you pull this job I won't tip off the police and claim the reward." The Lizard grinned his lip grin. "There ain't one chance in a million," he said. "You'd starve to death before you'd do it.

"A picker up of unconsidered trifles!" the scotched, not killed minx in me couldn't resist quoting, at the suggestion that I was welcome to Di's leavings if I could bag them. But neither Father nor Di was paying the slightest attention. Further than that he did not look, for we should be living board free most of the time; and besides, something was almost sure to turn up.

By the other strap was suspended a large crescent-shaped horn taken from the head of an Opelousas bull, and carved with various ornamental devices. Other smaller implements hung from the belts, attached by leathern thongs: there was a picker, a wiper, and a steel for striking fire with. A third belt a broad stout one of alligator leather encircled the youth's waist.