United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I was never named by a well-bred person.... Miss Pardoe is very excellent upon many subjects; only there is too much of what the English like stars, winds, black shades, soft sounds, etc.... 'May 6. Some one I suppose you sent me the Life of Lord Edward Fitzgerald. It is I who could give a true and most extraordinary history of all those transactions. The book is all stuff.

Spayth's new volume wherever we honestly could; and we dismiss it with an emphatic repetition of the opinion, that it is by far the best work upon the game that has ever been published. The Adopted Heir. By MISS PARDOE. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson & Brothers. Miss Pardoe ought to do better than this.

But he didn't return, and when she came down after dark to her aunt, Maria Pardoe, the washerwoman at Little Silver, and made a fearful stir about the missing man, the people felt sorry for her, and a dozen chaps went down the river to find Spider and fetch him along.

Miss Pardoe thus describes the scene that ensued: "As the eye of the king rested upon the archbishop, he exclaimed, 'Let us go. Taking the hand of the lady, he led her forward through the long suite of rooms, followed by the other actors in this extraordinary scene, who moved on in profound silence, thrown for an instant into broad light by the torch carried by Bontems, and then suddenly lost in the deep darkness beyond its influence.

In Bunsen's philosophy, these, even more than all outward confession and ceremonial, are the true expression of the workings of the Divine Spirit in Human History. Episodes of French History during the Consulate and the First Empire. By Miss Pardoe. New York. Harper & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 361. $1.00. La Plata, the Argentine Confederation, and Paraguay.

"The sufferings of Anne of Austria," writes Miss Pardoe, "must indeed have been extreme, when, superadded to the physical agony of which she was so long the victim, her peculiar fastidiousness of scent and touch are remembered. Throughout the whole of her illness she had adopted every measure to conceal, even from herself, the effects of her infirmity.

Von Hammer, Lamartine, Willis, Miss Pardoe, Albert Smith, and thou, most inimitable Thackeray! have made Pera and Scutari, the Bazaars and Baths, the Seraglio and the Golden Horn, as familiar to our ears as Cornhill and Wall street. Besides, Constantinople is not the true Orient, which is to be found rather in Cairo, in Aleppo, and brightest and most vital, in Damascus.

"The hearty applause was very gratifying, and it is wonderful how a little straight talk goes down with the men." "I only hope my lecture will be an equal success, sir," answered Pardoe, rather at a loss what to say. His subject was "Cities of Ancient Greece."

The inspection of the upper-deck and mess-deck passed without much comment, the Captain even saying that he was glad to see that the ship was 'quite clean, a term which made the zealous Pardoe writhe with annoyance; but the next thing which caught his attention was a small hencoop containing eight or nine miserable, bedraggled-looking fowls. "Bless my soul, First Lieutenant!" said he.

White, yellow, brown, grey, and black." "So they are, sir," said Pardoe, as if he had observed the astounding fact for the first time. "Who do they belong to?" "They're yours, sir. Your steward looks after them." "Does he, indeed?" said the skipper, rather nonplussed. "Well, send for my steward." The portly and dignified Ah Fong presently appeared.