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"Reason would never give in if she were not of opinion that there are occasions when she ought to give in."

Her voice answered, cool and gentle: "Yes, dear; think it over. But better now than when you've begun farming seriously. Italy with you ! It would be nice!" Jon put his arm round her waist, still slim and firm as a girl's. "Do you think you ought to leave Father?" he said feebly, feeling very mean.

The Queen and the Prince believed they had reason to complain of Lord Palmerston's carelessness and negligence, in not forwarding in time copies of the documents passing through his department, which ought to have been brought under the notice both of the sovereign and the Prime Minister, and to have received their opinion, before the over- energetic Secretary for Foreign Affairs acted upon them on his own responsibility.

"You ought to make yourself physically tired to the point of exhaustion." "Oh, my dear Miss Burns," cried Frederick, "how you overestimate me! Work! I am no better than a tramp. The thing I thought to cure myself with was laziness, idleness.

"Yes, but she's been on the mountain with old Miller for three days. Three of your letters are waiting for her; and then came your telegram, and of course Scott and I thought we ought to open it." "Of course. But what on earth sent Geraldine up the Golden Dome in the dead of winter?" Kathleen shook her pretty head: "She's turned into the most uncontrollable sporting proposition you ever heard of!

Since the churches began to care for their members in the State Universities, a rather larger number of candidates for Christian service are coming out of the universities, but until the last year or two nearly all came, and the very large majority still comes, and probably for years will come, from the church colleges. And there's another reason that you State advocates ought to remember.

This is what I saw, rudely printed in lead pencil on the inside of a sheet of common writing-paper: "I am a wicked girl. I have knone things all the time which I had ought to have told but I didn't dare to he said he would kill me if I did I mene the tall splendud looking gentulman with the black mustash who I met coming out of Mister Levenworth's room with a key in his hand the night Mr.

The captain stood my friend, as he did in all other matters, and insisted that as I pulled him out of the water, and the only friend of his we knew of had stopped at our house, Susan and I ought to have charge of him.

Once the wild idea had occurred to Margaret that she ought to accept it in Eleanor's name, and manage somehow to change places with her at the very last moment on board the ship, even, perhaps; but fortunately she had seen the utter folly of that notion before it had taken firm route in her mind.

"I know. Isn't it jolly? I like that. I'm certain that's the old man's doing." "How very odd of him!" "Surely you agree?" But Freddy was his mother's son and felt that one ought not to go on spoiling the furniture. "Pictures!" the clergyman continued, scrambling about the room. "Giotto they got that at Florence, I'll be bound." "The same as Lucy's got."