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Updated: August 14, 2024

"Cyant see her; I tell you she's mighty po'ly." "Well, cyant you go an' tell her that Mister Jud Cyarpenter is here an' 'ud like to kno' if he can be of any sarvice to her in orderin' her burial robe an' coffin, or takin' her last will an' testerment." With that he pushed himself in the doorway, rudely brushing the woman aside.

The chimney seemed to be a big bass-viol that this north-easter played on. At noon Aunt Stanshy said, "What will you have for dinner?" "May I order it, the way I did at a saloon in Boston last summer? May I write what I want on paper, and put it on the table?" "Yes, if orderin' will make it taste better, and it seems to affect some folks' vittles that way."

"There's our spare room it hasn't been used since Parson Greenwood was here," said Mrs. Rivers reflectively. "Melinda could put it to rights in an hour. At what time will he come?" "He'd come about nine. They drive over from Hightown depot. But," he added grimly, "here ye are orderin' rooms to be done up and ye don't know who for." "You said a friend of Dr. Duchesne," returned Mrs. Rivers simply.

"Probably he wants 2 borry money," says I, without stirrin'. "Men that want particularly 2 see me always do. Well, I hain't got none 2 lend hain't got no more'n 'll talk me hoam." "You'd better go forward & see him," he said very bossy like, as if he was orderin me. "I'd better stay right here, & I'm goin' to stay," says I, so decided that Billings see that it was no use.

"Ye call me my man, ye little cigarette-suckin' silk-hatted Johnny orderin' private cabins! W'ot ye think this is a floatin' 'otel?" Madden bit his lip to keep from smiling at the odd play of anger and surprise on Smith's long expressive face. "No harm meant, Mr. " began the American soothingly. "Malone Mate Malone!" stormed the angry officer by way of introduction.

"Eh! mother!" said Dickon admiringly, "what a wonder tha' art! Tha' always sees a way out o' things. They was quite in a pother yesterday. They didn't see how they was to manage without orderin' up more food they felt that empty inside." "They're two young 'uns growin' fast, an' health's comin' back to both of 'em.

Whur's Eric Hamilton?" he demanded in a fine show of indignation, and he caught the edge of their craft in his right hand. "Let go!" and the steersman threateningly raised a pole that shone steel-shod. "Let go is ut ye're orderin' me?" thundered the holy man, now in a towering rage, and he flaunted the torch over the crew. "Howld y'r imp'dent tongues!" he shouted, shaking the canoe.

"Who is that man, Corpril?" asked Monty Scruggs, as the Orderly left. "That's the Orderly-Sergeant of Co. "Orderly-Sergeant?" repeated Monty dubiously. "Who's he? I've heard of Captains, Majors, Colonels and Generals, but never of Orderly-Sergeants, and yit he seems to be bigger'n all of 'em. He has more to say, and does more orderin' around than all of 'em put together.

We've been breaking him in on Billabong, but he'll have to take a small place for himself, if he settles, and he'd better see what it's like." The old man shook his head doubtfully. "English officer, I suppose?" "Yes." "I dunno," said Howard. "Too much of the fine gent about that sort, Mr. Jim. I dunno 'ow I'd get down to orderin' the pair of yous about.

I am sorry that it's comin', for some will be kept from the dinner. It's sartinly strange that the orderin' of the Lord is as it is, for a leetle more hurryin' and a leetle more stayin' on His part of the things that happen on the 'arth would make mortals a good deal happier, as I conceit."

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