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Now my lads, we require the chaise up with you, set to the horses and be ready to start in ten minutes at most. Come bustle!" "Lord!" exclaimed Black Whiskers, "You'd think 'e was a nearl or a jook to 'ear un 'oo is 'e?" "Why, it's 'im as we was tellin' you of, Mr. Vokes!" quoth the landlord. "'Is werry own selluf!" nodded the postboy. "The desp'rit cove as gie me the one-er!" added the ostler.

'Oh, yes; I believe you they do, returned the small servant. 'Miss Sally's such a one-er for that, she is. 'Such a what? said Dick. 'Such a one-er, returned the Marchioness.

And, Mrs. Wilson, I never could look in Dick's face if I told a lie, and I never shall tell one, I 'ope, as long as ever I live. You should just see Dick, Mrs. Wilson, he is a one-er, he is." "Lor' bless the boy," said Mary, the housemaid; "why, if he isn't a- cryin' now. Whatever's the matter?

He had left Arthur Raybold asleep at Camp Roy, but of the ladies and gentleman who were usually visible at the breakfast-hour at Camp Rob he saw no signs, and he approached Mrs. Perkenpine to inquire for Clyde. At his question the sturdy woman turned and smiled. It was a queer smile, reminding the bishop of the opening and shutting of a farm gate. "He's a one-er," said she.

Intended to give him a start or 'One-er in return, it surpassed his angry shot at the body of them in effect. Carinthia entered his room and saw that he was lying stretched restfully. She whispered of this to Chillon, and began upon her watch, reading her Spanish phrasebook; and she could have wept, if she had been a woman for tears.

"Well, he's a one-er! Good many of you we wish would desert. No; we ain't going home till we go through Richmond." "Well," said Allan politely, "first and last, a good many folk have settled hereabouts since Captain John Smith traded on the Chickahominy with the Indians. There's family graveyards all through these woods. I hope you'll like the country." The other drank again of the brown water.

"Well, you do look a 'one-er'!" "And what about you?" demanded Henri a little warmly. "Now that compliments are flying, what about you, mon ami? With that pack on your back you look like a donkey laden for the market." At that Jules grimaced, and jerked his pack higher; and, indeed, Henri had not described him altogether unfairly.

Intended to give him a start or 'One-er in return, it surpassed his angry shot at the body of them in effect. Carinthia entered his room and saw that he was lying stretched restfully. She whispered of this to Chillon, and began upon her watch, reading her Spanish phrasebook; and she could have wept, if she had been a woman for tears.

By George, if it came to that, he rather congratulated himself that the girl hadn't taken it into her nonsensical head to run away with the groom or the stable-boy! As to Lynmouth, he merely remarked succinctly in his own dialect, 'Go it, Hilda, go it, my beauty! You always were a one-er, you know, and it's my belief you always will be.

And each what you might call a Regular One-er of a love-letter. Never mind the paper being thumb-marked as well as cheaply inferior, one cannot expect all the refinements of civilisation in a beleaguered town. It was the spelling that although we know W. Keyse to be no cold orthographist occasionally gave him pause as he perused and re-perused the greasy but passionate page.