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At the other side of the yard he saw a red hen in a coop. A lot of very young chickens, little yellow balls of down, were running about outside the coop. Young Grumpy strolled over. The chickens did not concern him in the least. He didn't know what they were, and, as no flesh was in his eyes good to eat, he didn't care. But he hoped they might have such a thing as a carrot about them." "Oh-h-h!

"Come too," she said cordially: "Amy's brother surely need not be taboo. Shall we drive to the Bois?" "I was going to Monceaux," said Amy. "Would it be quite the thing for us to drive alone to the Bois?" "Oh-h-h!" said Miss Leare, prolonging her breath upon the vocative.

"If I were you, boys," said Mrs Inglis, "I should find something quiet to do indoors, and then you will not be tired before you start in the afternoon." "Ah," said the Squire, "have a look at your lessons. You have not touched them all through the holidays." "Oh-h-h Ah-h-h Er-r-r Um-m-m," groaned the boys.

"How are you getting along?" "Won't come out right" in a very despondent tone. "Let me see, did you subtract that...?" "Oh-h-h! I forgot that," and a little light seems to break, as he scratches away for a few moments; then pauses. "And this figure here, should it be...." "Oh-h-h, I see." More scratching, and a soft sigh of relief, and the knitting brows unravel, and the face brightens.

The two "coves" a pressman, in new leggings, and Canty, the storekeeper came in. Mother brought a light. Dad moaned, but did n't look up. "Well, Mr. I'm er after information about the crops round here. I suppose er " "Oh-h-h!" Dad groaned, opening his mouth over the fire, and pressing the tooth hard with his thumb.

"Oh-h-h," she murmured softly. "Oh, how frightful that would be." And she read on with lips compressed. But soon there came from a room upstairs the sudden cry of one of her children, followed by a shrill wail of distress. And dropping the paper, she hurried away. Roger continued his reading. Deborah came.

Lathrop! oh-h-h, Mrs. Lathrop!" Mrs. Lathrop got to the window as fast as her somewhat benumbed members would allow. Susan was standing on her own side of the fence, her eyes glowing with excitement. "The minister's come back!" Mrs. Lathrop simply fell out of the door and down the back steps.

I'll be back in a week!" "Yes; don't these little bullets make neat little holes?" "We certainly gave them a surprise when they came up the hill! I wonder if we missed the fellow that jumped into the shell crater!" "Our company got it worst!" "Not any worse than ours, I'll wager!" "Oh oh can't you go easier? Oh-h-h " the groan ending in a clenching of the teeth. "Hello, Jake!

James's Square would content old Mel, and he must have a Marquis for his father. I needn't be more particular. Before ladies ahem! But Burley was the shrewd hand of the two. Oh-h-h! such a card! He knew the way to get into company without false pretences. Well, I told you, he had lots more than L100,000 some said two and he gave up Ryelands; never asked for it, though he won it.

Then "Never mind to read it, chère," Mme. De l'Isle said, "juz' tell us. We are prepare' for the worz'. They want to poz'pone the pewblication, or they don't want to pay in advanz'?" Aline lifted so bright a smile through her tears that every heart grew lighter. "They don't want it at all," she said. "They have sent it back!" "Oh-h-h! Impossible!" exclaimed the two sisters, their eyes filling.