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Come at once. Pat O'Leary." "Just as well that we brought O'Leary along," remarked Carter to his deputy. "You stay on guard here till you hear from me." In Chicago the sheriff found that his deputy had promptly arrested Darcy on O'Leary's identification, and had had the man locked up. But on visiting the jail, Carter was considerably in doubt if he had ever seen the prisoner before.

"'The Delight' passed over in a few days, to some more favoured son of Neptune, and I hid my shame and my misfortunes by a year's tour on the continent." "Although I acknowledge," said Trevanion, "that hitherto I have reaped no aid from Mr. O'Leary's narrative, yet I think it is not without a moral."

If I were to judge from his disordered habiliments and scarred visage, Mr. O'Leary's resistance to the constituted authorities must have been a vigorous one, and the drollery of his appearance was certainly not decreased by his having lost the entire brim of his hat the covering of his head bearing, under these distressing circumstances, a strong resemblance to a saucepan.

Quigg smothered a curse and turned on his heel toward the village. When he reached O'Leary's, Dempsey of the Executive Committee met him at the door. He and McGaw had spent the whole morning in devising plans to keep Tom out of the board-room. Quigg's report was not reassuring. She would be paid her insurance money, he said, and would certainly be at the meeting that night.

The women remembered the privations and suffering of that winter, and the three dollars a week doled out to them by the Central Branch, while their husbands, who had been earning two and three dollars a day, were drinking at O'Leary's bar, playing cards, or listening to the encouraging talk of the delegates who came from New York to keep up their spirits.

Poor woman, I believe she had no idea of the harm she might be doing me, though it was scarcely in human nature to see prosperity look so aggressive without trying to profit thereby; and when she had put herself into O'Leary's power, the notion was to make an income out of me by private threats and holding their tongues.

O'Leary's external man, as we met him on the Calais road, with its various accompaniments of blouse-cap, spectacles, and tobacco-pipe, were nothing very outre or remarkable, but when the same figure presented itself among the elegans of the Parisian world, redolent of eau de Portugal, and superb in the glories of brocade waistcoats and velvet coats, the thing was too absurd, and I longed to steal away before any chance should present itself of a recognition.

Not all my exhaustion and debility nor even the acute pain I was suffering, could prevent my laughing at O'Leary's adventure; and it required all Trevanion's prudence to prevent my indulging too far in my recollection of it.

His aide-de-camp, Colonel O'Leary, was sent to offer the Liberator's friendship to Peru, but the Peruvian Government did not deign even to answer O'Leary's communication.

O'Leary had a reason to his way of thinking, the noblest reason in all the world; consequently he was proud of it and not at all inclined to conceal it. "I'm goin' over there," he declared, with profane emphasis, "to kill all the damned English I can before they kill me." His interlocutor gravely wrote this reply down in Mr. O'Leary's exact language and proceeded to the other questions.